TCS/Check Engine/Speedo problems (HELP!)

13 February 2000
Austin, Texas
Please help...

I was driving around yesterday (25-55 mph), when they CHECK ENGINE and TCS lights both came on (at the same time). I was not doing any hard driving at all, just driving though my neighborhood. I headed back home when I noticed the speedometer was acting very strange: It would act normal for about 1 second, then drop to 0 mph, then normal, zero, and so on.

I pulled over, turned off the car, turned back on and started to pull into traffic and the CHECK ENGINE and TCS lights both came on (like before). Just to see what would happen, I tried to toggle the TCS button - had no effect.

I also noticed the speedo was acting total weird: when driving, it would work for a while, then go back to zero. When I was at a stoplight, it would be zero except every now-and-then, it would jump to a random mph for just an instant (like there is some bad connection to the speed sensor).

I don't recall reading about anyother owners with this problem. My only guess is something related to the wheel speed sensors?

I'm going to try to retrieve the codes later today, but does anyone have a clue what the problem could be?

Thanks in adavance!

Originally posted by kpond:

Any mods on your car? What is the most recent service/mod that was performed?

Other than Bilsteins shocks, the car has no mods. I installed them a few months ago. However, I took the car in for an alignment about 2 weeks ago. Prior to that, it was in the shop for A/C service last spring.

I should also add that the NSX seemed to run fine (of course, TCS would not work).

You most likely have a failed,failing speed sensor. Page 11-58 in the on-line service manual tells you how to find out. As Lud mentioned, get the code. A "17" trouble code is the speed sensor (for 1991 models). It looks like 11-59 should show the location and how to replace it, but the on-line manual is a blank page.

I can check in my paper service manual this evening.

The one thing for sure, is the speed sensor is in common with ALL of your symptoms.


I followed the toubleshooting procedure in the service manual (thanks Larry):

1. Do the ECU Reset Procedure,
2. Road test,
3. Check engine light on and code 17, etc.

After the road test, the check engine light was not on and there were no codes. According to the manual, this means "Intermittent failure, System is OK at this time. - Check for poor connections or loose wires..."

So, I guess I'll drive for a few days and see if the problem reoccurs.

the same thing happened on my 91 auto. need to replace the speed sensor and EPS. still awaiting speed sensor as been on back order from Honda Japan for nearly two months. in the meantime the EPS lite stays on, on long drive recently, also triggered the TCS/check engine and auto tran. indicator lite would flash on D. not much to do until replace the senor then flush all old codes out of the system.