TCS a little crazy...

23 October 2001
Zürich, Switzerland
I just came home from a 2 day tour with my NSX. Yesterday morning I drove on the autobahn for about 2 hours at an average of 100mph, mostly in 5th. At that point the TCS light started blinking when changing gear-up (like 2 to 3 or 3 to 4).
Then I swithced off the TCS and drove to destination. I removed the fuse of the ECU and hoped it was solved... thinking that maybe it had to do with the quite the sudden change of the high external temperature taht we had in the last days.

I drove yesterday another 50 km and everything was fine.

This afternoon I was driving home and again after 1 hour, same average speed as yesterday in 4th and 5th gear, it happened again: when starting from a stop (refueling) I had the TCS light up a couple times. This in a straight at about 50-60mph... I switched it off and drove home.

What could be the cause? My suspension & tires setup did not change in the last 10 months... :confused:

THANKS, as usual! :D
Hmmm... I'd think it's not your TCS, probably your tires got overheated and began to lose a little traction. There are many factors to your problem, i.e. when you start from a stop, you said the light came up a few times, were you doing some hard acceleration?
Yes, I was accelerating from a stop quite hard (re-enter the autobahn after refueling or a pi$$-stop :D)... so 0-100 mph in 10 sec to avoid beeing crashed by other drivers altrady on the right lane... :eek:

I also got the suggestion that maybe the tires I have (255/40/17 in the rear, 215/45/16 OEM size in the front) could be the cause.

Is the ratio of the combo 255/40/17-215/45/16 smaller than the OEM 16"-15" that my 1991 should use?
If that is the case when the tires are new, it is possible that mine are worn enough to make the TCS go crazy...

EDITED: corrected OEM front size!
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I had the exact samething happen to me!! I was driving on the highway and the car bogged for a split second and the TSC light would start coming on and off between starting the car. Then finally the MAIN RELAY gave out. I think it's just a break in the relay which stops the fuel pump for a split second and then catches connection again. Eventually you'll get stranded.
Do a search under my username and term MAIN RELAY and you can find my posts.
Good Luck, I'm almost certain that's what it is!!
gheba_nsx said:
Thanks! It seems that is the cause... is it really soemthing I can do myself? Do I really only need a screwdriver?
How do I remove the the part of the interior that is behind the passenger seat?

Thanks a lot!

ps: the part is the one with the arrow (Poloman's album)?

Yes, that's the part. I think the screw driver trick does not fix the problem, but a quick fix where they use the screw driver to tap the broken connection and complete the current so that you can start your car?
I think I had also read that if your get with electrics, you can fix the MAIN RELAY itself by sottering(spelling?) the connection back. I just bought a new one for about $50 bucks.
Update: I drove the last part of my trip (150 miles, again at 100mph average) but in coller, evening, temperature: nothing happened. All fine. :confused:

I will order the main relay anyway, just in case...

I finally got the main relay (it took long, it was on backorder at Honda). To install it should I just remove the panel behin the passenger's seat and install it?

- how to remove that panel?

- no need to disconnect the battery?

The panel should just snap off. Just pry your fingers in there and gentle pull it away from the fire wall.
When I changed my relay(several times), I never disconnected the battery.
Also, I think you may have to remove the top panel that runs behind the passanger and drivers head rest. And maybe unscrew the center part where the middle useless speaker section is to get access to the relay. I didn't remove mine, just loosened it to get to the relay.
Good Luck
Thanks Z!

Wow, it seems difficult also... :(

In which order should I remove the three parts (top panel, passenger side panel and the center part with loudspeaker)?

BTW, why did you have to chenge it several times? Did it break so often?
Take the top panel off first, the one that runs along the back window. Then pull the back panel off behind the seat. The center portion doesn't need to be removed, just unscrewed so you can reach behind it(if I remember correctly).
I had to remove it a few times because when mine went bad we had no clue what the problem was. So I borrowed one from someone who had their NSX in the shop and the interior was partially removed. Then I had to remove it and install the new one when I recieved it.
Good Luck
gheba_nsx said:
Ok, I swapped it. Very easy job... until I had to put back the top panel. :(

That took me 1h... talk about technical impaired! ;)

Guiseppe -

Let me know if this seems to do the trick. As you know I have been through similar anomalies with my TCS, although lately it hasn't done it (then again, I haven't been driving my car much either). But if that seems to cure your particular situation, that gives me some hope that if mine kicks up again, that could be a place to start :D

Yes, the problem appeared several times beofre the swap. Saturday I changed it and... in the 250 miles I did since, I never saw the problem again.

Maybe I am crazy, but the car seems smoother (accelerating, changing gear, ...). Is this possible or is it only suggestion? :confused:
I am in the same boat. but I had it happen while on the sqeeze about a scare. thank god for the fuel safety switch on my nos setup or my motor might have been damaged.I am ordering the part tommorrow and as I have the rear panels off all the time it will be a quick job. thanks for the heads up
