Tarox question

14 April 2002
wichita, ks
After NSXPO it's clear I'll need to learn to switch pads. On the Tarox web site they offer (strangely enough) installment instructions but say that they won't give instructions for pad changes because it must be done by a professional. Hogwash! Anybody have some suggestions? Or is it easy enough that I can figure it out as I go. Also, where do you buy Tarox pads? Thanks!
The pads can be changed pretty easily DIY. I’ve done mine once (all four corners TAROX6) and don’t remember it being that big of a deal. Honestly, I can’t remember enough of the procedure to give you specific tips (procedure, tools, etc.) but remember that it is a logical and straight forward procedure with no special tricks or tools.

Pads can probably be purchased through Dali Racing or Cobalt Friction www.cobaltfriction.com I’d give Andie Lin a call or an email at Cobalt Friction and ask for his recommendations as he has the TAROX setup on his NSX.
