Tape on the lips of the T-Top

25 October 2001
Northern California
Just curious, how many of you were aware that there is a tape right on the edge of the front and rear T-top? Perhaps this has been discussed on NSXPrime before but did not find it.

Mine is starting to show signs of peeling a little. Initially I thought it was dried wax, then I thought the clear was coming off from body flext or wind ..... turns out that there is a tape designed to sit on the rubber molding to prevent the paint from chafing.

Perhaps a regular maintenance issue? How many T owners have replaced this and what is invoilved?

FYI, my 98-T has 30K and is garaged unless being exercised ...... ;)
I have that clear film (3m like) on the edge of my targa as well. It is peeling ever so slightly, and it started when I began taking my targa off. Not bad at all. I never thought much of it. I have only taken my targa off a total of 10 times and its doing it, so I figured it wasnt a big deal.

I have the peel on my 96 roof,oh well I'm treating it like a sunburn,skin falls off,you get the idea,when I first noticed it though about 2 yrs ago I was quite puzzled.
The following FAQ addresses the squeak but not the tape in question.


And the 95-015 bulletin addresses changing the locking system on the earlier models, again with no reference to the tape or even a picture of it.


So if there is another reference to it in the FAQ, I must be missing it. The tape in question is shown in the Roof diagram with the numbers 3 and 5. I was not aware that there are inner tapes too ...! Do the procedures 17 and 28 address the question?


I was always under the impression that the tape was there to protect the paint. If it wasn't the paint would rub away within a few weeks/months. It's just like the small circular clear stickies that are under the trunk buffers on most cars. Pete's probably right though, it must help with squeaks as well. Anyway, mine are also peeling. I checked on Acura Car Land last year for the OEM tape and it seems like each piece costs 49.00!! Looks like when I have to I will buy 3M clear tape and cut it myself.