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Tan Factory Driver's Seat for 1995

16 October 2002
Southern CA, USA
It appears to me that my driver's seat has been replaced. The color of the leather is notably darker than the passenger seat.

I want to either recover or replace the drivers seat so that it matches the passenger seat. I am assuming that some years had darker "tan" interior that others, because the seat is clearly an NSX seat.

Would consider buying a pair for the right price.

Would also appreciate suggestions for Southern California upholstery shops for possible reupholstery.
Would you try a upholtery shop here in San Diego? They custom made both seats for me on the last red NSX. I loved them, until the car was totalled.

The shop name and number are:

L&A Upholstery.
It is on 40th strret in El Cajon.

Ask for Jose.