I am going straight-pipe and is thinking bout removing the cat. How do i do this? Any special tools needed?
NSX/MR2 said:I am going straight-pipe and is thinking bout removing the cat. How do i do this? Any special tools needed?
nsxtasy said:You know that it's not going to give you any greater performance unless you have forced induction, right?
nsxtasy said:You know that it's not going to give you any greater performance unless you have forced induction, right?
DONYMO said:So if you do have forced induction, it helps?
Can you explain?
Ponyboy said:The legality of the purchase and install is up to the owner. And in the state I reside in, they are perfectly legal. [/B]
I have never seen or heard of such gains on an N/A NSX. Most of the dyno reports I have seen have shown at most an increase of 1-2 hp, and some of them have shown a loss of hp.Ponyboy said:Sure it will - though performance gains are relative. Dyno'd rwhp gains will typically be 5-6hp.
17-18 pounds is not a huge amount of weight, and won't make a huge performance difference. (We're talking about differences in 0-60 and 1/4 mile times of less than three hundredths of a second, which is about what you would get from an increase of 3 hp.) And the substantial increase in pollution - this isn't just a measurement; you can smell the difference yourself - is not worth it.Ponyboy said:But the real advantage is in the reduction of weight of 17-18lbs. To some, like me, they are well worth the cost.
So you have commited fraud - which is not only unethical, but illegal. I'm sure your parents are very proud of you.hondaholic said:Went to inspection last friday. By Saturday 10am the cats were gone.
You can also get the same noticeable performance gain from getting one of those low-restriction, Placebo brand catalytic converters instead, but without the increase in pollution.hondaholic said:I think the performance gain is noticeable.
fkong777 said:
To be Enviromentally friendly. You can go after market Cat from Random technology or Magnaflow. They will only restrict 1-2 hp in testing. In NSX you will use two of them. The key to free flow Cat is to have bigger frontal surface area design = less restriction. Cat will keep also your bumper cleaner too.
nsxtasy said:
So you have commited fraud - which is not only unethical, but illegal. I'm sure your parents are very proud of you.
NSX/MR2 said:Like I said, the NSX is one of the most smoq-friendly vehicle around. Even eithout the cat, i think it will be better than my MR2, which has the same mileage, but already blows smog when it is cold.
Big_nate said:Uhhh.... the NSX is a car, with an internal combustion engine, like any other car it needs its emissions controls to run clean. If you take the cat(s) off of any car it is going to be a HUGE polluter. And despite what you say, NO car will pass an inspection without cats.
NSX/MR2 said:How can I get my hands on these cats? Need some info., please.
hondaholic said:
No one mentioned that the car now sounds like a nasty screaming bitch.