Taitec (Recaro) side mount seat compatibilty

for racing get the recaro like you planned (spg)everyone I know that has them loves them
btw as cris always points out they are a great match.I am setting my car up with a single spg for racing,torinos for kicken it with the guys and my oems for when I am out with the ladie of the house
Chris, let us take the Taitec/Recaro railing as an example, will these side mount rails accomodate any seat that is < 279 mm in total width? I am asking b/c my first choice would be an AAR seat.

Moreover, I have a piggyback question for you, how do you make the stock seat belt work with an aftermarket bucket? Please let me know when you get a chance. Thanks in advance.
In general, the side mount seat rails will accommodate any seat below that measurement. However, many seats can not be placed into the NSX due to it's narrow cockpit. Most seats have wide upper shoulder bolsters which will rub, or totally interfere with the door and/or center speaker housing. I have not heard of that brand before, and am not sure if they will fit in the NSX. Most seats designed for more street use than race use will be bottom mounting. TAITEC offers a seat rail for bottom mount seats, which you can see online as well.

-- Chris

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