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TAITEC NSX-R Rear Spoiler Special

19 January 2001
Chandler, AZ
TAITEC has offered a batch of NSX-R Rear Spoilers at great pricing for a limited time. The TAITEC NSX-R Spoiler is the only spoiler that is the exact same shape as the genuine $5500.00 Honda NSX-R Spoiler. Unlike other spoilers available that are completely flat, the TAITEC spoiler maintains the wind tunnel developed rake and profile of the Honda spoiler.

This pricing is only available on 5 units. We have both the FRP and CFRP spoilers available now.

The FRP spoiler is available in black gelcoat ready for prep and paint. The CFRP spoilers have black gelcoat stands and carbon fiber centers.

The regular price including intl freight & customs is FRP: $1312.32 and CFRP: $1918.42.

The special pricing, including intl frieght & customs is:

FRP: $780.00
CFRP: $990.00

Thank you,
-- Chris


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