Tail light swap

20 January 2012
Dallas, Texas
I see that there are little gaskets between the taillights when taking them off. When doing a taillight swap how vital is it to also get new taillight gaskets? Or is it not that important and the old ones may be used.:confused:
I see that there are little gaskets between the taillights when taking them off. When doing a taillight swap how vital is it to also get new taillight gaskets? Or is it not that important and the old ones may be used.:confused:

You can reuse the old ones if they are in good shape. I used Windex to loosen them from the old housing. Let it soak for a few minutes then slowly peel them off. Once the gaskets dry the glue will be sticky again & you can re-use.
but if the gaskets look good to you they may not be.

If you start to get moisture in your trunk you will know
if they Were bad.

then you have to order them, as they are NOT in stock.

remove lights again replace gaskets, then reinstall lights again.

I say get new gaskets and be done

do it right the first time my dad always says
Just get new gaskets. They aren't that expensive and it's not worth the hassle to have to redo everything if you find out the old ones are bad.
That's all dandy if you don't mind spending eighty+ bucks on something you don't really need. Trust yourself, if it looks good, it probably is. Confirm with garden hose. Done.
Taillight gaskets go bad with age regardless on the NSX, so if already have it apart, I would change them.
I had a hard time deciding: replace or reuse... ended up replacing and found out later it was definitely the way to go. I left the old ones on the lights -- will be easier if I ever re-install. (I did JDM taillights.) I did this in 1996 and there have been NO leaks. One trick: very, very carefully tighten the nuts evenly -- use a nice pattern (like installing a cylinder head) and fight the urge to over tighten -- slightly looser is better than too tight.
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Just get new gaskets. They aren't that expensive and it's not worth the hassle to have to redo everything if you find out the old ones are bad.

I agree even if it looks good, it can still go bad (well depends on how old too) sooner than later.
Mine is acting up bad & leaks into the trunk every time i wash & spray in that tail light area.
Will be doing mine too soon.
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