Table of Contents

14 January 2002
Space Coast, Florida
Since the Table of Contents does take awhile to load the entire table, could the whole process be sped up by just showing the main headings first, then having the user select the subheading topics from that point? Has this been tried at some earlier time, and then abandoned?

Or, how about a Table of Contents I and II? Just split the Table down the middle, or even quarters to add III and IV, and people would just have to vaguely remember where their topic was listed, or try each section in sequence, with worst case roughly the same time used as if they had loaded it in its original form.

If the Table was in strict alphabetical order, maybe 2, 3, or 4 Tables could be used, but here we go with each person's interpretation of how they think an item should be listed. The same goes with selecting a first letter to call up the main heading(s) that start(s) with that letter.

Any opinions, or is this strictly a "Who Cares?", or "More Trouble Than It's Worth" topic? Or is there something more secret than "Search" for finding what you would would like to read?


Originally posted by Acuraphile:
Since the Table of Contents does take awhile to load the entire table, could the whole process be sped up by just showing the main headings first, then having the user select the subheading topics from that point?

Hi, Bill.

I assume you're talking about the table of contents of the FAQ, here:

FWIW, it doesn't take long for me to load it. However, if you would prefer to see the main headings only, as you request, you can already do so by using the following URL instead:

This is where clicking on the FAQ item on that red bar on the top of this page takes you.

[This message has been edited by nsxtasy (edited 23 May 2002).]
Thanks for your response. The speed problem has solved itself with a new computer, which cuts the time down to a few seconds, as opposed to a snack break before. And I thought it was the connection, not the computer. I am a happy camper. Thanks again.

