Switching to Zaino this weekend, does my process make sense... Please Advise?


Experienced Member
25 September 2000
Tyson's Corner, VA
My blk 91 is quite dirty at the moment and has Meguir's products underneath the grime. My current plan is to:

1) Wash with Liquid Dawn
2) ClayBar using Z7 car wash as lubricant
3) Was again with Z7
4) Apply Z5 with ZFX mixed in

I plan on numerous coats of the Z5 with ZFX, I guess they say only 3 per 24 hr period. Not currently planning on using Z2 due to age of car and blk color.

How many coats (using proper coverage) should I get from 1 of those 2 oz. mixing bottles that come with ZFX?

Please advice with suggestions and criticism, Thanks.
That's how I did it.

1994 Red/Black NSX #418
Forums Nazi Groupie

That sounds like a good plan. My only comments to you since you're new to Zaino is...

Use the product very very sparingly. Don't apply it like a conventional wax. You should only use enough of the Z5/ZFX to have the finest of a haze on the surface. If you're questioning if you're using too little you're probably OK.

Once you have the applicator moist with the product you'll only need to add a few drops for each new small area you do.

The other thing you might want to follow are the suggestions on the Zaino site (http://www.zainobros.com/files/tips.htm) for the directional application...

"...On all Top surfaces of vehicle, use a back and forth motion (from front bumper towards windshield). On all Side surfaces (doors, fenders, etc.) use a vertical motion, up and down. This technique will increase the way light attracts and reflects off of Show Car Polish. The body lines and contours of your vehicle will seem to glow. This trick really works...."

Have fun! I think you'll find that the Zaino products really makes it easier to maintain a black car.


1992 NSX Red/Blk 5 spd #0330
1991 NSX Blk/Blk Auto #3070 (Sold)
1974 Vette 454 4 spd Wht/Blk
Looking for 76-79 Honda Accords
Not to get the whole Zaino thing started again but I just received my Zaino kit last night and I spent all night and all day today doing every inch of my car..... Interior, wheels, wheel wells, under hood, engine comp, and the body of course..... THIS STUFF IS AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!! The car is gleaming..... great stuff, I'm sold! I have to go buy another car now 'cos I don't dare drive it anymore....
One full two ounce bottle should give you the three coats on a car that already has Zaino on it. You may get less coverage starting fresh.I moisten the applicator with Z6 before and during application. On an older car, especially a black one, I would use something like 3M Imperial hand glaze before the clay bar. Also, you only have to wash the car with Dawn once at the beginning. After the glazing/claybar step, use the Z7 car wash. Use Z6 in between coats. My brother and I just did his two year old black Audi A4 last weekend, and he is now a convert. Remember though, it's the prep process that's most important no matter what product you're using. Be patient with these initial steps, the results are worth it.Then go out and buy new sun glasses.
I'm also a new Zaino user. I'm confused about the Z1 and the ZFX process. I thought you had to apply Z1 after the wash and then Z2/Z5. Do I understand that if you use ZFX with Z2/Z5 that you can skip the Z1 process?

I haven't used the product yet - just lazy I guess.

Zaino polish is a synthethic product that needs a catalyst to work. Originally that catalyst was Z1 (actually you can still use it, but not many people do any more).

ZFX is the new catalyst that you mix with either the Z2 or Z5 per the instructions. If you use ZFX (recommended) you don't need to use the Z1.

Try it...you'll like it!


1992 NSX Red/Blk 5 spd #0330
1991 NSX Blk/Blk Auto #3070 (Sold)
1974 Vette 454 4 spd Wht/Blk
Looking for 76-79 Honda Accords
Originally posted by Jimbo:

Zaino polish is a synthethic product that needs a catalyst to work. Originally that catalyst was Z1 (actually you can still use it, but not many people do any more).

ZFX is the new catalyst that you mix with either the Z2 or Z5 per the instructions. If you use ZFX (recommended) you don't need to
use the Z1.

I used Zaino for the first time this weekend. I'm sold!!. I hae a question though. I' not using ZFX, and if Z2 needs a catalyst, how can I put more coats of S2 on without using Z1 again?

Try it...you'll like it!


keep the shiny side up
MikeC 01 #46
If you're not using ZFX then you use Z1.

Z1 needs to be applied once or twice a year. The way you apply it is to apply a very thin coating just as you normally would apply...but you leave it on. You then apply either the Z2 or Z5 over the Z1 and then you remove both.

You only need to do this once or twice a year. Normal subsequent applications you just apply and remove the Z2 or Z5.

I would suggest using the ZFX however. It dries quicker and shines much better.


1992 NSX Red/Blk 5 spd #0330
1991 NSX Blk/Blk Auto #3070 (Sold)
1974 Vette 454 4 spd Wht/Blk
Looking for 76-79 Honda Accords
hey jimbo u seem to be very well aquainted with zaino ...i want to do my blk/blk 91 but wish i could see someone do it first on my car b4 messing it up << hint hint >> email me at acura nsx pilot @aol.com

OK, I'll drop you a line. My 1st NSX was a 91 Blk/Blk and Zaino will certainly make your life easier.


PS: Your email address got bounced back. Please write me at [email protected]

1992 NSX Red/Blk 5 spd #0330
1991 NSX Blk/Blk Auto #3070 (Sold)
1974 Vette 454 4 spd Wht/Blk
Looking for 76-79 Honda Accords

[This message has been edited by Jimbo (edited 13 June 2002).]