Swine flu what's the big deal?

8 May 2007
your mom's house
Ok i may be missing something but did AP run out of news and is now reporting how people are catching colds? I mean what i read was people didn't even require hospitalization and got better in a few days. I got a real bad case of food posioning and had to go the the hospital and it didn't make headlines. Next time I'm going to put out a press release first. :rolleyes:
AP means associated press for the acronym challenged.

Not sure, but I think it has to do with keeping people in a constant state of fear.

Swine Flu
Pistachio Salmonella
Air Force One Photo Ops
Peanut Butter Salmonella
Annual Flu Shot Shortage Warning
Bird Flue
Global Warming
Spinach Salmonella
Peanut Allergy
Lettuce Salmonella
Killer Bees
Acid Rain
West Nile Virus
Shoe Bombs
Reefer Madness
Unfortunatly this maybe the real deal. Pandemics often occur during severe economic downturns.
Just look into the H1N1 strains of flu... or H5N1 for instance...

What's scary is when flu's jump species... (bird flu, etc). Our bodies have no defense. Then it starts killing the healthy 20-40 year olds due to an overreaction of the immune system (vs your typical very old and very young).

The WHO is waiting for the "big one"... something that might wipe out more people than you think.

This swine flu is like a little test... how good are we at containing something like this.

I keep Tamiflu on stock in my house. Just in case. :smile:
Not sure, but I think it has to do with keeping people in a constant state of fear.

Swine Flu
Pistachio Salmonella
Air Force One Photo Ops
Peanut Butter Salmonella
Annual Flu Shot Shortage Warning
Bird Flue
Global Warming
Spinach Salmonella
Peanut Allergy
Lettuce Salmonella
Killer Bees
Acid Rain
West Nile Virus
Shoe Bombs
Reefer Madness

Absolutely agree. Do the words "media frenzy" mean anything to ya? Was talking to my pharmacist about it last night since I'm getting ready to fly down to Houston on Thursday and he said it it is total absolute bullshit. His opinion was that most if not all of these deaths in Mexico were people that were probably already ill with some malady or another and this flu was the coup de gras. Could have been a stomach virus and they still would have died. He also said that Tamiflu is useless against this year's strains and Relenza only works slightly.
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"Reefer Madness" LOL...Fell outta my chair!!!
ok so i did get it. it's not a real big deal. man the media jumps on what other media people do just so they can be on what's hot. ths sounds like the financial crisis where there is no real substance behind a loan but since once guy gives it out they all do to join the ride. here there's no real story but since one guys doing it they all are.
Absolutely agree. Do the words "media frenzy" mean anything to ya? Was talking to my pharmacist about it last night since I'm getting ready to fly down to Houston on Thursday and he said it it is total absolute bullshit. His opinion was that most if not all of these deaths in Mexico were people that were probably already ill with some malady or another and this flu was the coup de gras. Could have been a stomach virus and they still would have died. He also said that Tamiflu is useless against this year's strains and Relenza only works slightly.
"media frenzy" applies to so many things these days, doesn't it? so many channels (radio, tv, internet "news", blogs, twitter, blah blah blah) want to sell ads / subscriptions and one of the best ways of doing that is FUD.

interesting feedback from the pharmacist.

here is a link from cdc:

the link on the antiviral drugs seems to be down, but i've read from various sources that no med will prevent you from contracting it but that tamilflu and relenza are effective at treating it. but, as with most things in today's world, there are probably multiple sources citing efficacy to support a given position... wait long enough and a new study will support a given position.
A healthy and financially well off 33 year old Mexican male dropped dead in less than a week after contracting the swine flu. Could be something to it.
Apparently this is how it's being spread.
