Sweet flat black... Who's is this?

5 April 2004
I know Hishi has a flat black but I don't think this is it. I found this catalog at the tire store today for Racing Hart flat black wheels. I couldn't find this car on their website. Hmm, just looked at Hishi's car again and I think it is his. :) The headlights being clear fooled me.


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yes, this is definetly hishi's car.... sweet good mother... :biggrin:

Its the Racing Heart sponsored car for there new flat black wheels. His whole exterior is graphics. There is a feature in my japan April Option magazine.

sweet looking car!
My dream!!
That's an unbelieveably aggressive photo. Makes the <B>FuryNSX</B> look almost soft & fuzzy in comparison. :p

I have a question -- i thought this was hishi's NSX (see attached). Did he have it resprayed?


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yeh, it was posted up a while ago, that he resprayed it the flat black... a definite risk move... but MAN... was it worth the gamble...
jdm- if u read my earlier post I mentioned that his car has been applied with graphics. There is a feature of his flat black graphics in the Japan option magazine big $$. This was mentioned by Mr Sorcery when I was in japan . SO Hishi's car is still orange underneath and was done under the request of Racing Heart. If you look at his pics around his fueltank you can see its orange :)

cos its graphics I think thats y he didnt open his doors during Tokyo Autosalon and they opened the door on the farthest side for the Racing Heart poster so as not to show that its still orange in the door hinge and surrounds.
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Juice said:
Interesting that your sig here is Racing Heart. Are you a representative for Racing Heart?

I just had to speak up because it was bothering me, sorry. But the company name is RacingHart. (There's no "e").
wow, he changed his front fenders too. what kind are they? i've never seen 'em.
swEEt! graphics look crazy!
NSX36 said:
wow, he changed his front fenders too. what kind are they? i've never seen 'em.

the fenders are a ver. 2 widefenders from sorcery. they were designed so that the scissor-door application would clear the fenders.
Hapa88 said:
I just had to speak up because it was bothering me, sorry. But the company name is RacingHart. (There's no "e").
Correct! :biggrin:
I think that flat black looks crazy hot! I always wonder about how that works out. Is the paint as smooth as a gloss black? Does it make a difference when you wash it or clean it? I would love to have an NSX flat black, but the only thing that I would worry about is if I would love it after a year or two.
JDMnsxR said:
the fenders are a ver. 2 widefenders from sorcery. they were designed so that the scissor-door application would clear the fenders.
Wow!!! I really like that fenders...where can I get those?
Nice!!! Has anyone ever seen this color with a clear coat on top of it?
I would have ghosted the graphics in with a slightly darker shade.
The graphics don't look bad to me. I like when people personalize their cars.
If they all looked the same it would be boring...
Nice Job.
cos its graphics I think thats y he didnt open his doors during Tokyo Autosalon and they opened the door on the farthest side for the Racing Heart poster so as not to show that its still orange in the door hinge and surrounds

Yeah, its shown in the ads in all the Japanese magazines, big no, no, spray it properly! :frown: