supplier warnings

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10 November 2003
I am building a custom custom blower motor 3.2L and have ordered parts from everyone. some like SOS are great i had a part problem they shipped overnight a replacement. while others like Gerry Johnson sent me the wrong parts and will not call me back to resolve this like giving me a credit or send an other part i could use. so my point is use your resorces before you buy.
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Hello Ken,
I sent you rod bolts for a 3.0 motor as I had forgot yours was a 3.2, I talked to you when you called so we could get things right, I called on the custom parts and was told it was going to be 3-5 weeks before they would have them made and relayed this too you.
I have no problem giving you a refund on the rod bolts, and I just don't understand the reason for your post.
I don't find this post appropriate either. While I don't know the particulars of your situation, I do know that I've purchased several parts for my 3.0L rebuild project from Gerry and that he has been most helpful and generous with his time and expertise. In addition, a couple of the parts in one of my shipments were, I believe, lost by the shop doing the work on my car. Gerry stepped up to the plate to help resolve this issue for me and for that I am grateful. He can be hard to get ahold of at times, but has shown nothing but strong integrity IMO. Perhaps you need to spend some more time communicating with the vendors in the community regarding your issue(s) before jumping on here and writing a flame post.
Mr. Sampson,
You are way off base with your judgments of an outstanding NSX mechanic and great person! When my NSX had its issues, Gerry made sure everything went smooth, from start to finish. When doing a project such as yours not everything may go as planned. Expect minor hang ups…
Dont know Gerry personally but only heard good things about him at NSXPO 2004...
Black&Tan97Tnewportbeach said:
The dopest NSX that will ever be in Maryland was built there in person by Gerry.

Pictures of this NSX, please?? By the way....what the heck is that avatar of??? :biggrin:
Hey Tan, I still have the car. I must have been high when I was considering selling the thing. I have now installed a new twin turbo kit on it that uses T-28's It is sick. As for Gerry, I could have not asked for a person with more class and integrity. I still call him for advice and he will talk to me for hours. I flew him to Maryland to do the car, because there wasn't anyone competent enough to do it around here.

BTW, that blonde is hot as shit......... :biggrin:
I want to clear things up here. I over reacted. Gerry has come through again showing his commitment to the NSX community and his work. He called me back and sent me what i needed. Not at all upset about my posting just concerned that i received the part i needed. I have been working on this project for about a year. So i am starting to become a bit impatient. Gerry sorry if this has caused any problems. I know you have truly gone out of your way taking on the challange of my project. Thanks for all you help.
nsxlover said:
Hey Tan, I still have the car. I must have been high when I was considering selling the thing. I have now installed a new twin turbo kit on it that uses T-28's It is sick. As for Gerry, I could have not asked for a person with more class and integrity. I still call him for advice and he will talk to me for hours. I flew him to Maryland to do the car, because there wasn't anyone competent enough to do it around here.


Rob, I thought you were still planning to sell it for a Lotus? Have you changed your mind?

Any chance you would want to enter the twin-turbo NSX in the SPORT COMPACT CAR CHALLENGE?? :smile: :smile:
I was going to sell it for the Lotus, but I think I am going to sell the Porsche in the spring as it is kind of boring.

When and where is the Sport Compact Car Challenge? I may be interested.

Any chance you would want to enter the twin-turbo NSX in the SPORT COMPACT CAR CHALLENGE?? :smile: :smile:
There was a turbo NSX that applied for entry to the challenge. Getting picked is a bird of a different feather, or so goes my understanding. I also understand that there were something like 400 applicants. I'm suspect the person who tried to enter their NSX last year will again try this year.

My Girlie is the one in the middle
Black&Tan97Tnewportbeach said:

My Girlie is the one in the middle

Wolfie, where are you going to be this weekend, actually those ladies are of more interest. If they are hanging out with you then I am too. I can drool with the best of them.
Len :cool:
Yea, I am flying out to Cali in late January, early Feb. Hook daddy up with blondie..... :biggrin: :biggrin:
Black&Tan97Tnewportbeach said:

My Girlie is the one in the middle

Finally a vender story with a happy ending, at least I had one, thanks for the pic. Heeeeooooootttt!!!! :biggrin:

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