Superclear TV anyone?

Looked Great??????

NsxJoy said:
I'm happy with my 50" plasma. The NBA finals looked great!! Thanx to abc's HD broadcast.

I don't care who you're rooting for, that was one ugly game last night. I have a 90" screen (home theatre) and whether I watched it on that, or my small 36" screen it was UGLY!!! JMO:rolleyes:
What do I need to do to get the hd signal? I have not yet purchased the tv but want to know all that is involved. I did find a place on the web that sells 50" pioneer plasma hd for 5600 compared to 9000 at bestbuy...
cpmoran said:
What do I need to do to get the hd signal? I have not yet purchased the tv but want to know all that is involved. I did find a place on the web that sells 50" pioneer plasma hd for 5600 compared to 9000 at bestbuy...

Make sure over the air High Definition is available in your area. Check with your local TV electronics retailer. Some have the HD tuner built in others require external receivers/antannae. HD is here to stay and take over regular analog broadcast by 2006.
cpmoran said:
I cant wait... sports will look soooooo good golf will be BEAutafull. and football ahhhhhhhhhhh you are lucky man Tan..

Lucky for me also that my cable TV provider gives me HD with the converter cable TV box; all the local channels at no additional cost. 20 hD channels by end of 2003. Time Warner Cable. $39.95 per month includes HD channels.

I caught the last half of the NHL final on Monday. That was the first time I saw hockey in HDTV. Looked very good. You could actually see the puck moving around. Most of the time I could even read the names on jerseys. I have 120" screen using a LCD projector.
cpmoran said:
What do I need to do to get the hd signal? I have not yet purchased the tv but want to know all that is involved. I did find a place on the web that sells 50" pioneer plasma hd for 5600 compared to 9000 at bestbuy...

Would you mind sharing where you found such great prices?

Is this outfit reliable or sketch?

Personally, I would be a little afraid of buying something like a plasma tv from some internet site. Could be trouble. I would feel a lot more comfortable buying it at a real store. (best buy, circuit city, sears etc.). That way if you have trouble, it is easy to return etc. Just my 2 cents..
Just my 2 cents.

When looking into Plasmas, there are two important things to look into. One is resolution. For a 50" display, the standard is 1280x768 pixels, anything below is not HD. The other is contrast ratio. I know Pioneer makes good plasmas but having actual numbers would be nice. The last time I looked into details of all plasmas was a year ago when I bought mine so I don't remember the numbers anymore. I do have confidence in Pioneer but it's better safe than sorry. A contrast ratio of 1000:1 is standard, that's the reason for those who have done their homework would stay away from Sony.
I am a gadget freak. Latest and greatest toys.


World's first video cell phone/everything in one unit.

While the Palm Tungsten W is nice, your DLP projector and cell phone are not so the latest and greatest. The T720 has got to go. Either way, seeing that you've started a new thread on your Palm, it'd be nice to stay on topic.