Super Bowl Commercial

I like it.

Seems like Acura's ads these days have too many fast cuts. They change just before you get fully focused on the image. Perhaps it is a look they are trying to own.
I like it.

Seems like Acura's ads these days have too many fast cuts. They change just before you get fully focused on the image. Perhaps it is a look they are trying to own.

The fast cuts are designed to create continuous intensity and anticipation. The fast cuts glue the viewer to the screen in order to avoid missing any of the rapidly changing images. Try watching the video several times. I've noticed I can't take my eyes of it easily.

While I like the ad I keep wondering if the choice of Van Halen is a good one or not? The song is mostly familiar to customers in their 40's and early 50's. Since the average age of a new car buyer is 50 years old, the choice of song would appear wise. However I thought the NSX was supposed to be a halo car designed to improve Acura's long term image. If so you'd think choosing music that caters to a younger demographic (e.g. hip-hop or EDM) would be a smarter choice.
Very cool. I didn't recognize David's voice until Eddie kicked it in. Looks like Acura has set aside some cash to promote Gen II.
Yeah...that's a pretty effing great spot. Gonna make sure the surround sound is turned up for that one. Hard to believe it's been 4 years since Seinfeld and Leno fought over who would be first on the list.
I think it sucks.

I want to see a real car on a real road, tearing up the asphalt with the exhaust screaming...not some ugly woman.
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Super Bowl Ads: Audi vs. Acura

Looking at them on my iPhone earlier today, I thought Audi had the better ad. But on the big screen...Man, that's the first time I've really lusted after the new NSX. Great ad.

What did you think?
Just (somewhat stupidly) started another thread about this because I forgot about this one.

Thoughts on the Audi vs. Acura ads: Looking at them on my iPhone earlier today, I thought Audi had the better ad. But on the big screen...Man, that's the first time I've really lusted after the new NSX. Great ad
that is also a very good advert. honestly, i think Audi made a better one...

Audi's commercial speaks directly to an exhilarating experience. It "awakens the soul" (of a pioneer) the person seeking to live life on the edge. Acura sought to appeal to a mass market; gender & driver type.

- - - Updated - - -

& they beat Acura on screen... For the super bowl. So, naturally they're pointing (turning the pressure on) at the 25yr old sports car manufacture...
I think it sucks.

I want to see a real car on a real road, tearing up the asphalt with the exhaust screaming...

i have to agree, i feel they should have shot the car moving and in action. i get what they were going for, but this car has been gestating for many years, it's time to show it at speed. Audi got it right, the last shots of their ad was amazing.

from what i saw (not much, as i only watched a few minutes of the Superbowl and ads), i think Toyota had the best ads for the new Prius...
If you go back and watch the 2012 Superbowl NSX commercial, the NSX is finally here after a four year wait. How many people do you think are still interested in the car.

I personally think the Superbowl commercial this year was terrible. It didn't give as much emotion like the R8 spot.
There's also a big banner ad for the car on Yahoo's page. If you click on it, it says official news coming in 17days...

REALLY? All this time and still this crap? Looks very amateurish.
Cool R8 commercial, but it doesn't change the way I feel about the R8 or Audi at all. There's a reason why TV is TV and reality is reality.

If you're an enthusiast, a commercial should not sway your mind on car, especially one as expensive as the R8 or NSX. It's meant more of informing those who may be looking for a type of car but is not aware of it while also raising brand awareness.
you guys will all be jealous when I "peel out" in quiet mode....:biggrin:
Audi R8 commercial was special. Hit it the mark. I had seen it on Youtube a couple days before and probably watched it 5-6 times. Very emotional. Hit all the right buttons. The NSX commercial was trash. Didn't evoke any response at all. Maybe that's what they're looking for.
The old guy in the Audi commercial looked like he had dementia and probably shouldn't be driving. At least the R8 was shown in the best color-silver!:cool: As far as the Prius ad, who cares? That thing is as butt ugly as ever. The NSX ad was ok, nothing spectacular. I don't care how great an ad is or isn't, it certainly would not weigh heavily in my decision to drop a couple hundred grand on a car of this nature.
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