Sunlit midnight pearl and the Rockies

7 January 2003
Boulder, CO
I took this picture on my way to work yesterday with my new digital camera. It's on a hill overlooking the Boulder (Colorado) valley, with the white caps of the Rockies barely visible in the hazy background. I tried to capture that elusive midnight pearl color by shooting from an angle that caught the sunlight without too much glare.


Full size image (569K)

(There's a couple more below)
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Beautiful Car!!
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Thanks guys!

Midnight pearl is certainly rare, but I don't know if it is the rarest. I don't believe there are production numbers available for 1999+.
Nice color and great photo! Is that a reflection of a camera flash on your right door? Seems like the sun looks higher in the sky to be from the sun.
tbNSX said:
Nice color and great photo! Is that a reflection of a camera flash on your right door? Seems like the sun looks higher in the sky to be from the sun.

Umm, if I say "yes", will it still be a great photo? :rolleyes: It could be a reflection from a signpost or somethin' behind me... I did say it was a new camera.:D
tbNSX said:
Haha! I was wondering if I would see YOU in the that reflection too.

Yeah, I did get a couple with me in there. It's hard to see what you really got until you upload it. This was my first attempt at photographing my NSX, and I now have a list of "things not to do".

I haven't gotten another chance because the weather here has been pretty uncooperative. It was hazy Monday because a storm was rolling in, and it's still here.

Nice to see a photo finally do Midnight Pearl some justice.

I've only once had the opportunity to capture this rare color on film, and failed miserably. NICE JOB.

Which digital camera did you use for these shots?
Gasp! The 3rd image (bottom) you've attached is STUNNING!!!!!! Even better than the first image you posted days ago!!!

The 2nd image has a nice, low angle .... just too bad the tail of the car is clipped. :o
Thanks again guys! It's great to get such positive feedback on my NSX and midnight pearl. I just love this car!

My camera is an Olympus D-560, 3.2 megapixel. Besides the auto flash going off in broad daylight, another thing I've noticed is that the optical viewfinder is way way off (smaller image) than is actually captured. The LCD shows the correct size, but is tough to use for color check because it gets washed out in bright light.
Point and shoot

My camera is an Olympus D-560...I've noticed is that the optical viewfinder is way way off (smaller image) than is actually captured

That's the problem with these point and shoot cameras...have the same issue with the Sony DSC-P1. Relying on the LCD for correct framing also reduces battery life...annoying.