Sunday 3/7/10 Spirited Drive:Tampa Area

4 July 2004
Augusta, GA
Tampa Area Exotic Car Drive: Sunday, March 7th.


I am planning a spirited, scenic drive Sunday afternoon.

Date: Sunday, March 7th.
Time: 12PM SHARP (Fueled and ready to drive!)
Meet: Westshore Plaza:
210 Westshore Plz, Tampa, FL (Infront of Saks 5th Avenue)
(813) 243-4955

Directions t=image

Please feel free to email me back

Please PM me for my cell phone number.
I look forward to seeing everyone very soon and enjoying a great drive!

***Event canceled if weather does not permit***

Video from last drive

Please respond so I may have a head count*********

This looks like so much fun and I would love to go... but just wondering if we could do a more Central route... I can't make it all the way to Tampa this time...
Hey did you ever upload the drive when I went?

no sir,

Idk what happened but when I uploaded the video it saved wrong so when I went back to edit it it was unreadable and by that time I had already formatted my drive...
This looks like so much fun and I would love to go... but just wondering if we could do a more Central route... I can't make it all the way to Tampa this time...

Id love too but I think that would have to be a more organized and well planned event with enough time in advanced to get enough ppl together. where are you thinking? I do not know the roads out that way. As much as I love meeting car ppl, I am not crazy about standing around talking nor steering at our cars parked. If anyone knows a route more centralized that has something other than a long straight road with palm trees on both sides id love to hear it!
In november i participated in a drive with the fl nsxca in the clermont / lake county area.

Wei chin organized it and came up with the route if im not mistaken. I did request it via email but didnt get a response that im aware of.

I think thats a pretty good "central" area and its definetly not just straight aways. That area is full of hill, twist and curves (depending on the route of course)
In november i participated in a drive with the fl nsxca in the clermont / lake county area.

Wei chin organized it and came up with the route if im not mistaken. I did request it via email but didnt get a response that im aware of.

I think thats a pretty good "central" area and its definetly not just straight aways. That area is full of hill, twist and curves (depending on the route of course)

Sounds good!! Ill scratch this weekend drive and we will plan a centralized meet in hopes of getting more ppl together...also, the last thing I need is a speeding ticket...
Count me in on this one, too. Will be looking forward to this.

In november i participated in a drive with the fl nsxca in the clermont / lake county area.

Wei chin organized it and came up with the route if im not mistaken. I did request it via email but didnt get a response that im aware of.

I think thats a pretty good "central" area and its definetly not just straight aways. That area is full of hill, twist and curves (depending on the route of course)
Dave Dont think I can do a spirited drive like the last one, I did my oil change last night and looked at my rear tires and they are not up to the challenge, and one of them has a screw in it, I am pissed cuz I really liked the last drive, anyway Def next time Will do it. maybe that central drive so the orlando guys can join in,, sorry
Dave Dont think I can do a spirited drive like the last one, I did my oil change last night and looked at my rear tires and they are not up to the challenge, and one of them has a screw in it, I am pissed cuz I really liked the last drive, anyway Def next time Will do it. maybe that central drive so the orlando guys can join in,, sorry

sounds good!

if ya dont mind, id love your help to fix my idle if you're ever free
anyone interested in drives/meets, please PM me!


best contact #
car (make model yr color)
location (area you live)

and I will compile a email list; everytime there's a drive/meet, ill email everyone.

Dave whats wrong with your idle? I may be able to help you with it. And as for a drive, I will be out of town during March 20-23, then the following weekend I will be busy with the St Pete Grand Prix. So, its either this weekend or sometime in April for me.
His fast idle valve needs to be turned, its right near the throttlebody, has 2 screws on top he needs to unscrew it take the lid off, and turn the Valve till the idle returns to normal, I know Dave can do it,
His fast idle valve needs to be turned, its right near the throttlebody, has 2 screws on top he needs to unscrew it take the lid off, and turn the Valve till the idle returns to normal, I know Dave can do it,

My car has been to the dealer on at least three different occasions none of which they were able to fix it...I hope that's all it takes just makes me wonder how they were not able to fix it
Well I remember taking one of my hondas to a dealership with the same exact issue and they couldnt figure it out either, but after messing with almost every part of that car I figured it out, I can help you do it if you want, let me know when you wanna do it.
Well I remember taking one of my hondas to a dealership with the same exact issue and they couldnt figure it out either, but after messing with almost every part of that car I figured it out, I can help you do it if you want, let me know when you wanna do it.

Shawn, thankd I really appreciate it!

We can detail the cars or next time you need to do your oil we're plan it and we can do it at my house.