Summit Pt.- Ferrari track days-Sept.& Oct.

MazdaDrivers is a great group. I've done several events with them. I am told the Shenandoah Circuit has small runoff areas and must be approached with caution until you learn its "tricks". Good luck and have fun.
DCNSX said:
MazdaDrivers is a great group. I've done several events with them. I am told the Shenandoah Circuit has small runoff areas and must be approached with caution until you learn its "tricks". Good luck and have fun.

I have been asked to instruct for that weekend but I am sorry to say if the weather is nice I am spending the weekend on the water.
Shenandoah will keep you very busy, just don't make any BIG mistakes you should be fine, the track overall is fairly slow and tight but as I stated if you make a BIG mistake you will most likely meet with a Tire/concrete wall.

Have fun.
Now that I know about it I'm seriously thinking about it...but I'm a little skerd. Just bought the NSX and I'm not too sure about my skills.
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splitz said:
Now that I know about it I'm seriously thinking about it...but I'm a little skerd. Just bought the NSX and I'm not too sure about my skills.
All the more reason to come to a track event.

The FOW event is a good event, I will be instructing there, unfortuately it does not look like I will have my NSX there.
Would it be worth it for just one day? I could only make sunday; I have class on Sat.
splitz- definitely do it. especially since Edgemts (Mike) will be there as an instructor and he is intimately familiar with the NSX. You'll be in the novice group along with others just learning their cars too. This is an excellent way to find out what a great car the NSX is. ..and there are no speeding tickets issued. -HS
donwon said:
Thats encouraging! :tongue:

That's the Shenandoah course, not as much fun as SPR main but it is very technical and busy.

The FOW event is on SPR, main course, just don't want to mess up turn 4 to bad otherwise there is reasonable run off if you really screw up.

I am not going to break my streak by making any claims, But All of my students so far have lapped faster than they ever had previously.
And I will only say that I have only had one car parked in the grass.(engine mechanical- Damn Porsche :frown: )
Thanks for the encouragement guys. When's the deadline to sign up?
I'll have to vouch for Mike- despite my thick-headedness and lack of natural Shumacher ability, he was able to get me around the track in my best time ever. Passing Ferraris is quite fun. :wink:

WARNING: Track Days are highly addictive!
After much debate I have decided I will be doing the track event on Sunday the 23rd. Hope 2 see some other NSX's out there...I dont wana be picked on by the Ferraris all alone!
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splitz- you'll have a blast. don't worry about the other cars or drivers- just drive within your own comfort zone and remember it's all about being safe and having fun. You WILL be passed by "slower" cars at some point- especially as a novice. You will be amazed at what a good driver can do in a supposedly slow car. Of course, being passed by a Ferrari isn't exactly shameful in most cases...

I always remember an old post from here on NSXPrime. A bunch of fairly novice NSXers went to the track with a guy with lots of racing experience. He passed all the NSX's in a stock Integra. AUTOMATIC at that.
Thanks, I think I will as long as the car stays in good mechanical order and in one piece. Anyone else going to be there on sunday?
CRAP! It is going to rain on Sunday! What happens then? Do we still run in the rain?
What happened to everyone?

I was there( slipping and sliding around)

As a side note there were two new c6- Z06 's there.
I had not seen one until today, they do look nice, but still a GM.
Anybody coming tomorrow????
Mik e

Call me 410-707-5304
Leaving at 6am from Columbia
Well I just got's you how dedicated to the forum I am :smile:

Anyway, I learned two things:

1. I can't drive as well as I thought
2. Not all Ferrari owners are pricks.

Most of the Ferrari guys I talked to were cool. I thought that they were going to be extremely pretentious, but I was pleasantly surprised. I'll post pics as soon as my buddy sends them to me and I have my "legacy" pictures developed.