Summer at the lake!

12 March 2001
Early this spring I sold my lake house because of a ludicrous sum of money that was offered for it. So I decided to rent one for a few weeks just down the lake a bit.
Although I did have a great time we were still plagued with a comedy of incidents.
Out of the 10 days we were there all but two was filled with hard constant rain. Half the people who came went home after the second day because of the rain. One of the rainy days I decided to make a trip to Pittsburgh to buy a new SUV. Upon returning to the lake we found our boat at the bottom of the lake! Someone forgot to turn on the bilge pump and the rain filled the boat enough to allow the waves over the edge and she sank still tied to the dock. I was able to retrieve most of the items out of the water but a few of the seat cushions and other peripherals are gone for good. After getting the boat to shore and bailing it out I was able to pull the spark plugs and dry them. I turned the engine over and expelled the water out of the cylinders put the plugs back in and the boat started right up. However, the bottom of the out drive was snapped off from being slammed against the bottom of the lake. Also, all the cables are gummed up from water getting into the cable jackets. The stereo is ruined and most of the electronics as well.

If this wasn't enough, my girlfriends mother fell down the stairs and broke her ankle/foot. She is currently at the emergency room having a cast put on. What really sucks about this is my girlfriends father is scheduled for surgery on Tuesday which will leave him immobile for about one month. My girlfriends mother has scheduled to take the next month off to take care of him while he is healing, now she will not be able to do so. It appears as if my girlfriend and my self will take care of both of her parents for the next month or so.

Did I mention the septic at the house was backed up for eight of the ten days?

When it rains it pours!!!
A lot of water skiing. On the rainy days I cooked and ate all day long, of course. Donwon would have been proud. :)
Wow , crappy weather in the Finger Lakes! Who'd a thunk it? At least it didn't snow.