Sugguestion on buying my first NSX!

2 September 2010
Hey Everyone. A buddy of mine is selling his 91 NSX with 101k miles for $20k. It carries a salvage title because his friend a previous owner, scratch up the whole car pretty bad and the insurance totalled it. He basically was desperate and needed money at that time. My friend then bought it off him. The car is tastefully moded with Tein Coilovers, Volks Rims Staggered, Flat screen Tv, S2000 seats, personal steering wheel, Front lip, stacey side skirt, and rear valence.. hd also just recently replace the clutch, water pump, and all the major maintance. He has all the receipt and put about 30k on the car. . Would this be a good deal? Would insurance actually insure a salvage NSX. Thanks.
I'm a little unsure about the salvage title. Do you mean that your friend needed money so he scratched the hell out of his NSX and got the insurance to total it? And now it has been repainted and brought up to date with a flat screen TV but it has a salvage title?

IMO, salvage titles are nice for dedicated track cars. You probably don't need a flat screen for that. Your ideas may be different.

If I were looking for a car I'd avoid the salvage title.
I'm a little unsure about the salvage title. Do you mean that your friend needed money so he scratched the hell out of his NSX and got the insurance to total it? And now it has been repainted and brought up to date with a flat screen TV but it has a salvage title?

IMO, salvage titles are nice for dedicated track cars. You probably don't need a flat screen for that. Your ideas may be different.

If I were looking for a car I'd avoid the salvage title.

Thanks buddy for the heads up. =)
My thoughts are if it wasnt accident damage, just paint work, and the maintenance is up to do date, and you get a ppi done and it checks out, Id go for it.
the price sounds right around 20-23K for a 1991 with 100K+ miles

but I dont think you should say he scratched up his
own car to claim it on his insurance as

that is called INSURANCE FRAUD.

and Is a Crime in the USA LOL

get the NSX and be happy.
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the price sounds right around 20-23K for a 1991 with 100K+ miles

but I dont think you should say he scratched up his
own car to claim it on his insurance as

that is called INSURANCE FRAUD.

and Is a Crime in the USA LOL

get the NSX and be happy.

I mention it above so that you guys have an idea why the car is salvage. lol. Yes, that is a insurance fraud. Thanks for the input guys. I'll have pix posted asap. =)
I mention it above so that you guys have an idea why the car is salvage. lol. Yes, that is a insurance fraud.
That also gives you an idea what kind of person the owner is like and whether you can trust him and what he says about his car. I wouldn't.
You could probably find a nice car for the same price with a clear title. If it were me, and I could be certain (maintenance and body shop records) about the history of the car including the insurance fraud, I would try to get it for several thousand less. He's going to have a hard time selling it regardless of if it's to you or anyone else.

Just be aware that if you get this car for whatever reason, you will have the same problems selling it. The only reason I would jump on it at the right price is that I know I will not be selling for a long time. Such as when the car is wrapped around a tree, for the scrap value of the metal.
they would salvage it if you were demanded it get salvaged,

" cuz you dont want a car that been repainted etc.etc." they would salvage it if you wanted them to.
You could probably find a nice car for the same price with a clear title. .

I think you are going to have a hard time finding 91 NSX with a clear title with a 101K miles with all the mods and maintenance records for $20K. There might be one out there but it's not going to last long at that price.

Just my $.02
I've never heard of an Insurance company totaling a car because it was keyed. Doesn't make sense, but that's me.

I've also never heard of telling an Insurance Company, hey total my car and they do it??? They do what they want, period.

IMO: I wouldn't buy it for 20k, clean title ones can be found in that range.

Ask your own Insurance company if they will allow full coverage, many do not.

If you can get it for 15k, buy it.
This point has been hinted at in what an insurance company would do, etc. Scratch damage to all panels etc. I say that is total BS. I wouldn't believe that guy any further than I could throw him. If you are seriously considering this car take it to a super body shop and ask them what's going on with the cars body and frame. This story is fishy as hell and everyone here should know it. Salvage title due to a paint job for scratches cause someone asked it be totaled - that is utter nonsense. No one would total a car simply because it needed a paint job. Unless the insurance company could show that the paint job would be over half it's value and a 91 in good shape with whatever miles it had on it at the time which we can only assume was less than 101k miles - would be 10 grand - I don't buy it.

I'd be thinking what is this guy trying to hide from me? Or what was hidden from him when he bought it from the guy that had it when it was keyed. Like I say - there are nice mods on this car and if paint was all it was - it is worth a bunch more than 20k. Something wrong big time with this story.:rolleyes:
No one would total a car simply because it needed a paint job. Unless the insurance company could show that the paint job would be over half it's value and a 91 in good shape with whatever miles it had on it at the time which we can only assume was less than 101k miles - would be 10 grand - I don't buy it.

Do I believe that a total repaint done by a great body shop could run 10K for the NSX, yes I do. Do I believe this was the reason it was totalled that's hard to say, at the very least it seems as if your friend has less than stellar morals so the question is what else isn't he telling you. If you are still interested, as someone stated take it to a body shop that knows the NSX and have them inspect it for frame damage and go from there, maybe worth putting up on an alignment rack to check, even if you have to pay them extra.