street legal?

ok... i am trying to ask wut are the differences berween a street legal car and a illegal street car?
Where do you want to start? Seatbelts, tires, exhaust, windows, lights, bumpers, fenders, see where this is going!

Your question is a little to broad. But as others have mentioned, it all depends on whether or not you get caught with illegal items on your street car.

I'd never consider using "test pipes" on the street! ;)
technically anything that is not factory and hasn't got an engineer's certificate(in australia) to prove the legality of the modifcation (emissions, safety etc)

If you were really wanting to know 'wut (sic)' was illeagal, you'd pop down to (or visit the website) the road and traffic authority of your state and ask for a copy of the rules.

Good luck