You know they say that smell is stored in memory longer than any other sense experience. We'll the strangest thing happend to me when I was driving home from work today. It was a nice 80 degrees today so I was crusin with the windows down and a diesal truck passes me on a turn as Im stopped. And the fumes from that truck instantly reminded me of the ice cream man. I instantly thought what the hell, why did that remind me of the ice cream man. Then I remembered the truck the ice cream man rolled into my neighborhood with was always a diesal and his serving window was right out the back next to the exhaust. So, somehow when I was 6 and waiting patiently in line for my bubble gum ice cream as the shmuck in the soda jerk hat poisoned my tiny lungs, I subliminally filed the smell of diesal exhaust fumes with my craving for ice cream. If thats not messed up I dunno what is. Anyone else relate a strange smell to something weird? Nothing dirty now .