Last night I was driving home and was on some unfamilar streets. It was pitch black and I saw a dip in the road and slammed on the breaks to pass without a scrape. After that dip where I did scrape just a bit, I began hearing a fast tapping noise comming from the front. I dont know if it just happend or it was because of the dip. I got home and opened the front hood to see if I could locate the position of the rapid tapping and nothing there. I then drove around my block again and there it was again. It only starts when I am Driving and not when I am at idle. It is not the a/c for I had it off but I think that it may be comming from the break area. Has anyone heard of it? If so, let me know what you think it is. Should I drive? Thanks.
8k RPM in a recliner!
8k RPM in a recliner!