Yesterday, I took a coworker for a spin in my NSX-T and wanted to demonstrate the acceleration.
I launched well in first, but when I shifted into second and quickly let out the clutch, the clutch engaged briefly but then appeared to slip allowing the engine to rev high towards the redline. I pushed the clutch in, shifted into third and had no problems when engaging.
After slowing down, I decided to launch again and had no problems with the clutch engaging in second. In fact, when I drove home later in the evening, I had no problem with the clutch not engaging. Strange.
Anyone have a similar one-time occurance like this?
I launched well in first, but when I shifted into second and quickly let out the clutch, the clutch engaged briefly but then appeared to slip allowing the engine to rev high towards the redline. I pushed the clutch in, shifted into third and had no problems when engaging.
After slowing down, I decided to launch again and had no problems with the clutch engaging in second. In fact, when I drove home later in the evening, I had no problem with the clutch not engaging. Strange.
Anyone have a similar one-time occurance like this?