Strange momentary clutch slip...

27 March 2000
Palos Verdes, CA
Yesterday, I took a coworker for a spin in my NSX-T and wanted to demonstrate the acceleration.

I launched well in first, but when I shifted into second and quickly let out the clutch, the clutch engaged briefly but then appeared to slip allowing the engine to rev high towards the redline. I pushed the clutch in, shifted into third and had no problems when engaging.

After slowing down, I decided to launch again and had no problems with the clutch engaging in second. In fact, when I drove home later in the evening, I had no problem with the clutch not engaging. Strange.

Anyone have a similar one-time occurance like this?

I have all kinds of problems with 2nd gear on my 2000-T. They are just intermittent enough so that it never happens when I take my car to the dealer. I took a friend for a ride the other day and was going to show off the acceleration I threw it into 2nd and it immediately made a short grinding noise and popped out into neutral. Usually (about 6 time in 4 months) my problem is that it simply will not go into 2nd and I just skip it and go to 3rd.


[This message has been edited by blurr (edited 02 August 2001).]
Interesting, I was half expecting to hear this being a solo experience. I'm going to pay a lot of attention to my second gear before I bring my NSX in for its next oil change.

As I said, this has only happened to me once, and I've never had it happen to me before or after (of course, I need to drive my car more before I'll know for certain if this was a fluke).
I only have about a thousand miles on my car and haven't noticed any clutch slippage in any gear but I'll keep an eye on it and let you know if it happens to me.

'00 NSX-T, silverstone/blk, #252