Strange--Clutch Gets Easy--Soft?

30 September 2000
valrico, fl
For about the past year a strange thing is happening to my 92 NSX's clutch. It happened with the original clutch, and now with the replacement--about a year and a half old. After I drive through a car wash, the clutch is suddenly very easy to depress--works just fine, but is very noticably easier to depress? The slave and master cylinders are almost new.

After about 10 minutes, back to normal force to depress. Any ideas?
I suspect that "easy" is normal and that "normal" is harder than necessary.

Which would lead me to guess that you have insufficient lubrication on the input shaft on which the throw-out bearing rides on.

Just a guess. If it doesn't otherwise bother you: don't worry about fixing it would require dropping the transmission.

drew said:
Which would lead me to guess that you have insufficient lubrication on the input shaft on which the throw-out bearing rides on.
Good idea, Drew, I thought the same but didn't dare to write :wink:
If that is really the case maybe Larry B. can tell us if there may be a chance to improve lubrification of the bearing from the outside without removing the whole thing (I heard that it may be possible).

You may also watch this thread for other possible solutions.