Story: Huge Spider in car

2 October 2001
Got this story off another <A HREF="">car web forum</A>.

was leaving my friends house 30 minutes ago
driving down the road looking at my dash and i see this weird thing on my dash covering my speedo and it was moving around. then i realised it was a <B>huntsman spider.</B> immediately pulled over scared sh*tless and got the f**k out of my car almost smacking my door into a passing car. watched the bastard crawl onto my dash and proceeded to crawl to the other side of the dash. i went to a nearby tree and ripped a stick off it and came back and tried poke it out of my car from passenger side. it decided to go down to the foot well with webbing so i swiped it out of the car. then i started smacking it with the stick yelling out "Die Die Die!". couldn't kill it, the stick was too thin and kept missing so tried stomping on it but it was too dark so p*ssed off i threw the stick away and drove away. was all shaken up and stuff, kept feeling the webbing it left behind in the footwell in driver side everytime i clutched in(wearing shorts). got no idea how it got in my car. i wound up the windows when i got to my friends house....

well thats my story for tonight, moral of story is roll up the windows and use a/c :D
Neo, If I were in your shoes I would have probably wrecked.
I can't friggin stand spiders. I start to itch just looking at them.
I was laid up as a kid for 2 weeks after being bitten by a poisonous spider.

Please make sure u cant climb on walls and ceilings...remember spiderman got bitten by a weird looking spider...:D


Youre lucky u didnt get into any accident..Most people will just freak out seeing a big spider...anyway I like your new avatar..looks cool...:D
how big was it man ?
You're so right.
I didn't pay enough attention to the entire post.
Just think if it was a female spider and laid a bunch of eggs!!!

If you think that is bad, I was talking to a guy who installs avionics into aircraft and was working on a small cessna. He was on his back laying on the floor of the plane with his hands up behind the dash when a black widow spider landed on his face and bit him on his forehead!!! He said he nearly killed himself getting out of the plane ended up with a welt on his forehead the size of a baseball.

I am glad we don't have these type of spiders in Michigan, I guess it is too damn cold.
Thanks for clarifying NSX_Dreamer, this didn't happen to me.

The worst is when you see a spider run up the window. You glance away for a second and it's gone. Then you don't know if it were on the outside of the glass or inside. :o
Sorry, but I have to:


hahaa... kelvin, i think we should name you the King of Smilies. :D

Here's <A HREF="">one huge spider</A> that turned up in my car once :eek: ...too bad for the passenger. :D
uhhhhh...I dont feel too well!!! I HATE SPIDERS!!
....and HUNTSMANS are common in OZ....They are similar in size to TARANTULAS but harmless (only a mild heart attack when finding one)!!

At that point...i think i would WALK home!
Image shown actual size (not kidding!):




Goliath Birdeater, Theraphosa leblondi, is a tarantula, and it is the largest spider in the world. Despite its name, the Goliath Birdeater does not eat birds; it eats invertebrates such as crickets and mealworms, and also small vertebrates such as mice and lizards. Native to South America, these spiders can be as large as 30 centimetres (12 inches) in leg span, when their legs are stretched out. You can see an approximately life size photograph of this huge spider here. The Goliath Birdeater is one of the few tarantulas which can catch, kill, and eat a full-grown mouse.

Spiders are high in protein! The Piaroha tribe in Venezuela collect Goliath Birdeater tarantulas and roast them over hot coals, eating them as if they were big hairy crabs ... carefully avoiding the large fangs and the poison sacs. The fangs are later used as toothpicks.

Female Birdeaters have an average life span of 6 to 14 years. Males die soon after maturity, and have a lifespan of only 3 to 6 years. Colours range from dark to light brown, with faint markings on the legs. They have hair on the body, abdomen, and legs. The female lays anywhere from 100 to 400 eggs, which will hatch within two months. Young spiders are called 'spiderlings'.

Wild Goliath Birdeaters are a deep burrowing species, found commonly in marshy or swampy areas. They may make a hissing noise when disturbed, and can defend themselves by biting, or by releasing their body hairs.

- The Goliath Birdeater, like all tarantulas, has fangs large enough to break the skin of a human. But its venom is relatively non-toxic; the bite will cause mild discomfort and swelling for a few hours, but problems will occur only if the victim is allergic to spiders, or if the wound becomes infected.

- The Goliath Birdeater, like many tarantulas, can also release its hairs, which are barbed. These can cause severe discomfort and irritation when they make contact with bare skin, or when they are inhaled.

You gotta WARN a guy before he scrolls down to see that!!!! lets see if I can get my heart started again!:eek:
Joel said:
He he. Arachnophobic? :D

I am now... thanks a bunch for posting that.

Cripes I'm sorry I looked back at this thread!

PS: I did once hear of some South American spiders that were described as being the size of a dinner plate and capable of jumping :eek: :eek: :eek:
I saw this movie with David Arquette. I thought this was based on a real story. ;)


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<B>Joel</B> : holy cow ... that spider is as large as a facehugger! :eek:

<B>jlindy</B> ... lol... good one. :)

<B>Phoe<FONT COLOR=red>N$X</FONT></B> : is that a spider or a scorpian? coz that is one aggressive looking sucker! :eek:

i haven't seen a thread on prime that chills the hairs on the back of my neck like this since the 2F2F NSX and the David Hasselhoff photo.... :D Kelvin, should i post that again to refresh everyone's memory? :D j/k
I've got a story for you. I went camping one time using a small two man tent with sewn in floor and zip up front screen. That night I crawled in my tent and secured the openings. Woke up the next morning and crawled out to stretch. Just after exiting I glanced back inside the tent and noticed this black blob in the corner. Turns out I spent the nite with a very large wolf spider and didn't even realize it . That'll make the hair on the back of your neck stand up!:D :D :D :D
ok everyone has had a chuckle here about various spider stories... I totalled my last car cause a spider dropped down from my sun visor while i was driving, right into my lap (literally)..
I freaked out (so surprising!).

No spiders were harmed in the making of this story.:(