stolen package

4 May 2003
anyone ever had a package that was delivered stolen off their door step? I ordered an amp for my NSX a little over a week ago. I just checked the USPS tracking number because I haven't received it yet and apparently it was delivered this past Weds. I live in an apt complex with about 10 units. I checked around the front area where packages are delivered and there was nothing. My roommate says she moved a package from outside the front door to inside the main entrance locked door around that time. She can't be sure if it was my package, but it seems it was. So it seems someone from within the building has stolen my package. My roommate also said that part of the packaging has been torn away exposing what the product was. My guess is seeing the package content peaked the theif's interest.

Honestly, I feel like smashing someone's head, but I don't know whose head to smash :p I've alerted the USPS and they're going to do an investigation. Any advice? Hopefully it was insured because I'm definitely not paying for someone else to have a brand new amp. Am I correct in assuming it's a federal offense to steal a package? I know it's a federal offense to steal someone's mail. What a pain.
I have had several packages stolen in the past as well as credit cards in the mail. Anytime I get packages I now make sure I leave specific instructions as to not leave package at door and must have a signature upon delivery. I have also found that sometimes packages never make it to the destination. I will never forget this one time i was invited to someones house that I met and he worked for FedEx. Nothing surprises me anymore.:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
ya, i think usually they require signatures in buildings that have more than a certain number of apts. Both UPS and Fedex require signatures. I guess USPS doesn't. The messed up thing is someone within my building most likely took it! Can't believe how dishonest some people are. I really hope karma comes back to bite them in the ass.