Stolen idea: How about a birthday surprise?

9 December 2002
Buehlertal, Germany
I want to steal the idea for a birthday surprise I recently heard on the "Inside Mac Radio" podcast where the podcaster asked his listeners to send birthday emails to his mother. She received hundreds of them.

So here we go: My girlfriend Renate who (for many years) is always patiently supporting me with my NSX track driving craze (and most of the other drivers at these events have to go without their woman/girlfriend), even helping me as a mechanic when it comes to changing the wheels, rolling on/off the trailer, fixing the car at the trailer etc., has her birthday this saturday, 13th of august.

Sometimes she complains about not getting as much emails as I get (which of course has something to do with my NSXPrime membership :wink: ). So why not surprise her with a lot of birthday emails from all over the world? If you want to contribute you may write one or two lines to email removed - action is overshe understands some english (of course german would be better) - you may also add a picture of you and your car if you want. Of course it would be fine if you don't send this before the 13th.

I highly appreciate your efforts in advance, ladies and gentlemen, if you want to help me!
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NSX-Racer said:
she understands some english (of course german would be better)

Could you provide some appropriate German phrases for those of us who are challenged for much beyond "guten tag"? I would hate to try to translate "warmest birthday wishes" in babelfish and end up telling your girlfriend "i hope your home burns down for your birthday" or something! :eek:
xsn said:
Could you provide some appropriate German phrases for those of us who are challenged for much beyond "guten tag"? I would hate to try to translate "warmest birthday wishes" in babelfish and end up telling your girlfriend "i hope your home burns down for your birthday" or something! :eek:

I used bablefish- and I included my message in English too...

For those who don't know- Bablefish can be found HERE to translate your English into German.

xsn said:
Could you provide some appropriate German phrases for those of us who are challenged for much beyond "guten tag"? I would hate to try to translate "warmest birthday wishes" in babelfish and end up telling your girlfriend "i hope your home burns down for your birthday" or something! :eek:
Don't worry, write it in english - if necessary I could translate for her afterwards. And of course: Guten Tag is a good start anyway :biggrin:

I won't provide a german phrase here because maybe this ends with many mails with the same content... :wink:

NSX-Racer said:
If you want to contribute you may write one or two lines to [email protected] - she understands some english (of course german would be better) - you may also add a picture of you and your car if you want. Of course it would be fine if you don't send this before the 13th.

I highly appreciate your efforts in advance, ladies and gentlemen, if you want to help me!

I was thinking I should do it by the 13th based on the quote I bolded above.

OMG!!! Anyone that thought about doing this please STOP!!! I started recieving a bunch of spams after I sent out the happy birthday email!!! It's a scam to get your email out to the scammers!!!

J/K :wink:

And In :D
Zuerst said:
OMG!!! Anyone that thought about doing this please STOP!!! I started recieving a bunch of spams after I sent out the happy birthday email!!! It's a scam to get your email out to the scammers!!!

J/K :wink:

And In :D

Good one LOL!!!!! You had me for a second.
You guys rock! My girlfriend is already overwhelmed by a lot of very nice mails from you and they keep coming - a big hand to everyone here! And yes, Gheba - you were indeed the first :smile:

(Tip - after the day is over, you might want to edit initial post to remove her e-mail address so the the Spam Spiders don't pick it up)

Hope you BOTH enjoy the day!
If she doesn't get much email, would you like me to hook her up with some spam for her birthday? Not only will she get dozens of emails, but great discounts on college degrees, p0rn sites, and V1agra... :eek: :rolleyes:
Attention, Phil G.! My girlfriend tried to thank you for your birthday mail (as she did with all the others) but her mail was blocked by a anti-spam filter (although she doesn't have a "trash" mail adress). Any other mail adress where she can reach you without being blocked?