Stock Tires & Sway Bar vrs new Wheels/tires

8 March 2006
Huntsville, AL
I have just picked up a very low milage 1997 NSX-T. I am very excited about the car and it is perfect except for the tires.

I am considering going to 18/17 wheels and tires. But the stock rims are perfect and I could simply add new tires and take the savings and do sway bar upgrades- I would like a little flatter cornering.

If cosmetics is not an issue where will I get the better handling improvement- I lean towards responsiveness over all out stick.


My suggestion is not to do either one for at least three months. You just got the car. Live with it for a while. Enjoy it. Think about what you like about it, and what you would like to change. Take some time. After a few months, you may make an entirely different decision than you would now, without much time in the car.

To answer your question, it depends on what you are looking for. If you are looking for flatter cornering, obviously, the suspension mods will do that and the wheels and tires won't. If you are looking for better performance (i.e. faster cornering), that depends on a number of things, not the least of which is what kind (make/model) of tires are on the car. If you are looking for looks, then don't do suspension mods. But again, you should spend some time to give yourself a better feel for what you would like to change.