Still in production?

1337 said:
have they stopped making the NSX?
You're joking, right?
1337 said:
sorry smartasses, i wuz never informed.

The killing of the NSX was such a big news they talk about it on NY Times, every auto publication, Stock market news, and just about every other publications out there. Dude, READ YOU SHALL KNOW:eek:
Customers who come to my shop and see a NSX often ask if "they still make them" and usually register surprise when they find out they were still made in 2005.
It was a car that was overlooked by most and the little blurbs in the media that occasionally appeared after it's first few years of production could easily have gone unnoticed.
On the other hand, we who own them are thrilled when we see the letters "NSX" in alphabet soup and think everyone should be excited.
pbassjo said:
Customers who come to my shop and see a NSX often ask if "they still make them" and usually register surprise when they find out they were still made in 2005.
It was a car that was overlooked by most and the little blurbs in the media that occasionally appeared after it's first few years of production could easily have gone unnoticed.
On the other hand, we who own them are thrilled when we see the letters "NSX" in alphabet soup and think everyone should be excited.
Joe, do they still make alphabet soup????:wink: