Stereo Install Completed! Take a Look!

This is the Audio Vox Back up camera. It is the smallest looking licence plate frame camera I could find. It works well at night and in the day time and give a really wide field of view but nothing that works over really far distances ill bet its visable range is 50 yards and at that range cars look like specs in the distance but are visable and you can tell where they are going and if they are headed your direction.

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Any Time you want help let me know!

I have a sweet new Garage to do this stuff in now!! YES!

I probably will be helping Rocky (RGNSX39) In south Elgin this spring do something similar but as a single din. I learned all the quirks while working on my car. Everyone elses should be easy. :biggrin:

Damn that is a great job! How did you secure the screen in the nav pod to the console? I just got my 740BT today and am trying to figure out how to secure it so it is secure.
Very nice job! Must also look real cool at night all lit up? BTW- you must have a superb alarm system to keep the bad guys out too right?
That is a very nice looking system. I have always wanted to have a better sounding stereo in the NSX, but my daily driving and long trip use of the car means I need to maintain full trunk space and floor room for my passenger. :( Kudos on a sweet system.