Steering wheel question

15 November 2006
New Orleans
Hey everyone. I might have a problem, but I'm not really sure. I'll start with my story.

A few months ago I installed tanabe springs and bilstein shocks. Everything was fine, I drove it and my steering was a little off. I think my steering wheel sat a little slanted to the right to drive straight.

Well, I never got it aligned, but I've only driven I think 200 miles so not a big deal I don't think.

So anyways, a few weeks ago I installed a nrg quick release hub, nsx adaptor, and also a sparco steering wheel. I read up on how to install it. I did everything right "I think" but mark the steering central bolt with marker to ensure things line up once I take the steering wheel off.

My wheel turned a little, and to make a long story short, I just stuck everything on. Well my wheel was a little off, so I just unscrewed the allen wrench bolts "the 6 on the quick release hub", centered my wheels, and moved outter attachment out so the steering wheel would then sit centered while driving straight. If you don't understand, I'm sorry because it's hard to explain and I'm not at my car right now to take pictures... But basically on the nrg version 2 hub there's only 1 way the steering wheel can lock, so if you move that part around "the 6 allen wrench bolt shell that covers the wires" then you can control where your steering wheel sits. I could basically have marked the original setting and still had my steering wheel sit upside down if I wanted it too.

I know I need it aligned, but did I mess anything up? Right now my car runs straight, and my wheel sits straight, which is odd because after my shock install my steering wheel was slanted a little.

Any advice is appreciated. Thank you everyone.

post a picture of how much it is off by.
i can tell you what you can do.

nothing is wrong, btw. just need a little fine adjustment.

I'll get a picture up by Wednesday when I visit my garage. Would you like to see a picture with the quick release off and just the adapator with the I think 19mm nut or the release part with the 6 bolts, or both and the entire setup?

Thanks btw also Evo.

a photo with the wheel on and how much it is off by.

if it's just slight,
sometimes you can just loosen the 6 allen bolts on the hub side and turn it slightly. it has enough play to correct the slight steering wheel alignment problem.

last resort would to get a full wheel alignment.
for lowered cars, it's recommended anyways.

good luck.
i know exactly what you are talking about.

NSX is sensitive in that way. if the toe of one side is slight off from the other. The steering wheel will naturally turn slightly to compensate. Alignment will take care of it.