Stealing my Heart and Soul

20 May 2006
I joined Prime about May of 2006.

Still searching for my Dream NSX...

But after hearing Jimbo having his NSX stolen, left a lump in my throat.

I drive a RSX Type S and I even get paranoid about my ride either being hit or stolen. I reside in southern california and GTA is very common.

But now I don't know if it make sense for me to trade a older and more risky NSX for my now paid off RSX.

Can fellow prime members share your wisdow. Horror Stories and even Happy stories about their NSX experience.

I truly love this forum, one of the best! and Goodluck to JimboButtz.

Happy New Years.
Honestly the last thing I would be worried about is getting the nsx stolen. Very little criminals know anything about the nsx. Its a hard car to hide ya know. Id worry about tires and having enough time to drive it. :biggrin:
I never worried about my NSX getting stolen. I did have insurance on it and my belief is to never worry about something that hasn't happened and enjoy the car right now. If it does happen then you worry about it. No sense dulling the NSX ownership experience by worrying about it day and night. Just enjoy it.

If you wanted a happy story, I never felt so giddy like a school girl the day I picked up my NSX and drove it home even if it was an 11 year old car. It probably ranks 3rd only to the birth of my son and my wedding day.
Great Input.

I remember the day when i drove home my RSX type S. Even though people say not to rev hard until you break it in. On the way home I hit I-VTEC and chirped on 2nd and 3rd so giddy! My first new car purchase. My first car was a 91' Volvo GLE, then a 94' Chrysler Grand Voyager and then a 94' Geo Metro (Yes, a 3 cyclinder Geo Metro, Damn it was a gas saver!)

So when I got my Type S, it was just glorious, now I want to fullfill my dream in owning a NSX.

Like i mentioned I live in LA, and GTA has been a problem since I was young. growing up in the Honda Civic Generation, my homies with sup up'd EK's, EG's, Integra GSR's etc...were all victimized once sometimes twice and thrice...

I guess I will buy a NSX and install like 3 Lojacks and a GPS Tracker and a million kill switches...

I love to hear more good and bad stories and opinions...
car theives dont seem to go after high end cars as much as low-end. not in america. they go after what is easiest to sell and part out and what has a big market. thats why so many fixed up civics, integras, accords, 240sx, etc. get stolen so often (especially in socal) because theres a huge market for them. you can sell parts within hours. parting out an NSX would probably be very difficult as there arent many NSX owners and even less that mod their cars.

Good alarm+glass break and tilt sensors + GPS tracking system or Lojack seems to be the most secure method. But also exercize common sense, dont park in shady areas over night, garage the car if possible.

with good quality alarms you can add aux-kill switches that act as soon as the alarm is armed. That way you dont have to ghetto rig a toggle switch in some random location.

Im also thinking of selling my car for an NSX. had my 240sx stolen once right infront of my house at 3AM. but it ran out of gas and the theives just stole some guages in boxes before abandoning it in a parking lot or something.
Just do it, use common sense about securing it, and have the right insurance. Then forget about worrying, and enjoy the heck out of the car. You won't regret it.
I worry about it sometimes mostly because I wouldn't want to replicate all the time and work that went into my car, and would never be happy with a stock NSX after the experience I'm used to. But in reality its true not many real thieves are going to bother stealing a NSX to sell. I think the joy riders may be what to avoid and those aren't going after it in well lit places or in your garage (60 seconds style) and so on.

But even with worry or not I would not give up the experience of owning my NSX. Leaving it in the garage is hands down the hardest thing ever. I just cant do it even in the rain I have a hard time taking my X5 and leaving the NSX in the garage.

My Best friend who is an Porsche race car builder and racer, who is used to a 535hp roll caged 911 and driven prototypes. He just told me the other day "WOW, I seriously can not believe how much this car feels like a prototype seating position almost like you sit in the center of the car inside the hood, the cockpit and seating and visibility just does not exist outside of true race cars. It really feels like a go-kart, not go-kart-like, no... I am 90% convinced I am actually in a go-kart right now" he now wants to build a NSX for a wild 400hp daily driver.

The NSX if your into the stock it's awesome. If your into F1 lower it and I/H/E and you not getting any closer to the floor unless your in a cart. My ass is literally as high as an average curb. I Actually measured it. Seat cushion vs curb. try that in any other car usually your actual seat cushion is about 12inches above ground in a lowered p-car. Mine is 6-inches. take that in with the real racing figures which include center of gravity and centered height distribution of weight and you will find the NSX is wild because when sitting inside the engine cover behind you is actually at shoulder height, but shoulder height in the NSX which has a flat leg position where your butt and your feet are maybe at most 2 inch height difference. Your shoulders if you are 5'10" are about 2'6" above ground that also means that of the 2900 lbs about 3100 with a person. 90% of all that weight is less than 2'6" above ground in a car thats almost 6ft wide.

If you can picture and feel the handling and understand that last paragraph. the value of the design doest not justify a reason not to own a NSX.

"1/4mi? sure I'll have one with 3 back to back 1G turns, a couple down-shifts, and a fish tail or 2...thanks!"


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Honestly, I don't really worry about the car getting stolen, however, what I really worry about is getting vandalized. The car attracts alot of attention whether you like it or not. Most of it is just from admirers but you do get the occassional hard-ass who feels complelled to prove something. However, there are many people on the board that daily drive their NSX without incident.

There's no getting around it, you are going to have concerns with owning a car like this, but I think everyone here will agree that the sheer enjoyment it brings will overcast those concerns. Good luck with your search.
Come to think of it, i've never seen a car chase on tv with a stolen vehicle and police cruisers that turned out to be an NSX, or evan a Ferrari for that matter. It may be that people stealing these cars know that the owners have installed some hi-tech disabling device or GPS -so the liklihood of theft would be much lower. It sure would make for an interesting chase watching an NSX run from the cops while a chopper films overhead.
But now I don't know if it make sense for me to trade a older and more risky NSX for my now paid off RSX.

Can fellow prime members share your wisdow. Horror Stories and even Happy stories about their NSX experience.

I sold my ABP 04 A-SPEC RSX-S and bought this NSX instead... I used to love the RSX but after getting out of it i wouldn't go back.

I would be more worried about your RSX ecu being stolen than anything happening to a NSX if you take care of it...
It didn't even make the list.

The top 10 most stolen cars in America:

vehicles most frequently reported stolen in the U.S. in 2005.

1991 Honda Accord
1995 Honda Civic
1989 Toyota Camry
1994 Dodge Caravan
1994 Nissan Sentra
1997 Ford F150 Series
1990 Acura Integra
1986 Toyota Pickup
1993 Saturn SL
2004 Dodge Ram Pickup

My mistake. Hondas get stolen more often than other cars. Keep your '91 Accord locked up tight.
I joined Prime about May of 2006.

Still searching for my Dream NSX...

But after hearing Jimbo having his NSX stolen, left a lump in my throat.


There's always the possibility of sh*t happening, whether you prepare for it or not. But like others have said, don't let the fear of having your car stolen or messed up deter you from one of your life's dreams. The experience is like no other. Those who aren't in the know will say '.... but it's only a car....' and "..... there's no way it can be that special.....' But that, my friend, cannot be further from the truth.
What was amazing for me (and I'm sure for MANY others) is that 15 years worth of anticipation of getting my own totally lived up to the expectation. And how many purchases in life can you say still gives you that stupid grin of excitement after the you're done making payments on it? I know I'm not the only one.
Maximus_NSX posted a thread several weeks ago wondering if anyone else ever found themselves opening up their garage just to ***STARE*** at their car..... sounds insane, but its not. There's a reason why so many of us can't stop ourselves from logging in when we should be busy at work and stay up way too late at night reading these threads. We're Prime-a-holics!!!! And you only get that way after you experience what many considered one of the most balanced sportcar, ever. So if you don't want this disease that most of us here have, then let the fear of having your car stolen or having it damaged by someone who decides their ham-sandwich is more important than the road in front of them, take over. But just remember, these things are, for the most part, out of your hands. The enjoyment you'll get from owning one will totally outweigh your fears. You will not regret it.


Another NSX fan with a ridiculously long screen name,

(I actually thought I was being clever when I thought up my SN...... didn't feel so clever after the first week of entering an 18 character SN plus 128-bit triple-encrypted password just to log in):biggrin:
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Come to think of it, i've never seen a car chase on tv with a stolen vehicle and police cruisers that turned out to be an NSX, or evan a Ferrari for that matter. It may be that people stealing these cars know that the owners have installed some hi-tech disabling device or GPS -so the liklihood of theft would be much lower. It sure would make for an interesting chase watching an NSX run from the cops while a chopper films overhead.

Believe it or not this has happen before. On Court tv maybe 4 or 5 years ago the cop was chasing a guy who stolen a black Nsx from a dealer in upstate new york. It was funny because when the cop put on the lights to pull him over they show in the dash camera the nsx taking off it looked like a little black dot...LOL any how the guy roll NSX over a few miles down and they caught him running away in the woods with no shirt on I was laughing at him so hard I started to cough..

I wish he did'nt total the car though..

Come to think of it, i've never seen a car chase on tv with a stolen vehicle and police cruisers that turned out to be an NSX, or evan a Ferrari for that matter. It may be that people stealing these cars know that the owners have installed some hi-tech disabling device or GPS -so the liklihood of theft would be much lower. It sure would make for an interesting chase watching an NSX run from the cops while a chopper films overhead.

Believe it or not this has happen before. On Court tv maybe 4 or 5 years ago the cop was chasing a guy who stolen a black Nsx from a dealer in upstate new york. It was funny because when the cop put on the lights to pull him over they show in the dash camera the nsx taking off it looked like a little black dot...LOL any how the guy roll NSX over a few miles down and they caught him running away in the woods with no shirt on I was laughing at him so hard I started to cough..

I wish he did'nt total the car though..[/QUOTE]
My dad had a '67 Corvette coupe with a 427 and tri-power. There was not much in the way of anti-theft equipment in 1967 so his mechanic devised one.

He put a slow burn fuse in line with the ignition. And a toggle switch to bypass it.

When the car did get stolen, the theives were able to start the car and drive off easily enough, but about 1 mile from the house the slow burn fuse burned out and they had to abandon the car and we found it right away.

A cheap and effective redundant system. I think it should be incorporated in all NSX's.