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Stay away from factorynsxtech

2 October 2007
So heres the story. I purchased a used bbsc from factorynsxtech late last year (see link) and i ask very specific questions about HP ratings, why he's selling it,shipping and most importantly IS IT A COMPLETE KIT which his answer to question 4 clearly indicates it is.


Correspondence a few months later i actually learn that factorynsxtech did not have this kit on his car at all (see the original questions where i ask him why he's selling it, he tells me he's sold his car and its worth more stock, and question 3 where i ask him what the mileage is on this unit and he answers 1500k because he didnt drive the car every day - a normal person would assume that he actually had it on his car) Despite this fact, i think ok, maybe i mis-interpreted something along the way, but Im still led to believe it is a full complete kit that only requires install and tuning.

Lo and behold when my installer and i finally get around to start installing it, as he's laying out all the pieces, the first thing he notices is that it seems to be missing a crank pulley. He phones factorynsxtech and asks where this is, Rob tells him he doesnt need it. It ties into the main crank pulley of the engine. My installer thinks this is odd, but he believes him and doesnt think much of it. A few days later when my engine is all ripped apart and the bbsc starts going together this is where things really start to go south. It turns out the bbsc does need a pulley afterall and there are numerous washers etc missing that need to align the pulleys correctly.

Furthermore when i finally challenge Rob with the attached email, i get a response pretty much interpreted as "Sorry, too bad"

Read the links and attachments and come to your own conclusions. I feel like i've been screwed over royally. Rob (factorynsxtech) knew exactly what he was doing and was not honest at all at the beginning.

The bright side of all this is other RESPECTED members of Prime such as Rahim (96cxt), onstepx, peiserg have been very responsive to all my questions to try and help me through and get this system running.

So Rob, I hope ACURA OF OAKVILLE where you work somehow reads this and figures out what type of person they have working for them. Karma comes around, thats all i'll say.


First, this kit was sold from me not Acura of Oakville. This was a used kit, not a brand new kit. I never said it was installed on my car. I was asked if I bought it from another member from prime. Cwillgo did ask me this as he checked all transactions I have purchased. I answered him yes I did. I sent all the parts in the pictures shown in the ad. Notice there is no crank pulley. I also told him that the aem isn't set up for this application. Cwillgo knew exactly the kit was bought from another member from me. He used the ads to talk me down in price!
I have more than cooperative with cwillgo though the whole process. The shop that is installing the kit has contacted me at my place of work numerous times asking info and installing questions. I answerered and catered to them everytime. Since the recent threats from cwillgo. I have ended all communication. The shop he has using has told me that cwillgo has no idea what he is getting into and is giving them a hard time too.
Cwillgo should not abuse this forum for his lack of knowledge.
I would like the administer to please remove this false thread.
remove post

please remove the post stating my email address and false information about me and my place of work. I need it removed asap. if not i will need lawyer info representing Prime so i could get my lawyer to send a letter to yours. Please respond to this serious matter.(factorynsx thread)
All I can say here is that FactoryNSXtech has helped a bunch of us out numerous times at his own expense, and happens to be one of the best NSX techs in Ontario.

What are you really missing besides the crank pulley? It doesn't sound like too big a deal to get one if you got a good deal on the charger kit.
Here's the original for sale ad...nothing stating it was installed on the car nor being a brand new kit. I feel there are some emails missing or being omitted in this whole story so I suggest either telling the truth, working out this issue between both parties or removing this thread until all of the facts can be presented.

If either party want to smear each other I highly suggest taking this offline because you are both (OP and Seller) missing the point of rectifying the situation.

Heres the private message that was sent to me PRIOR to me buying it. People can draw their own conclusions.

Was it a good deal? I ended up getting it for a couple of hundred bucks less than what was posted and was happy with the price. Would i have raised a stink if it was a complete kit? No i wouldnt. My bigger issue is that it was advertised as a complete kit and it wasnt. And it wasnt a minor piece of the bbsc that was missing, the crank pulleys a pretty important piece!

Why not be up front and say its a bbsc kit but is missing a crank pulley? I probably still would have bought it, but would have tried to source the missing piece first.

Put yourself in my shoes, how would you like to buy something that you've been told is complete and a major part of it is missing?


FWIW, my reading of the exchanges shows the following:

1. Seller posted a photo of everything involved in the sale
2. Buyer asks seller if it is complete because buyer is not familiar with FI
3. Seller says it is "complete" - all buyer needs is dyno and set up AEM
4. Buyer asks about reason for sale and mileage on unit
5. Seller talks about mileage on car and that he didn't drive car much as well as car worth more stock implying unit was on car

If I was ruling on the merits of the claim in an arbitration I would find in favor of the Buyer.

Just my .02.

Your mileage may vary..........
i Like a lot of prime members buy parts for our nsx. From my experiences a lot of times its not in the cond. i expected or doesnt fit correctly or even so is a outdated piece. Look how many people are selling ist gen AEM ems? why? the latest improved gen is out! I then come to my senses and tell myself hey what do i want? I bought a used piece.
One thing i didnt do is use this forum to vent my anger or blame someone else for my cheap way of trying to update my nsx.
I agree matters should be resolved before jumping the line or redlighting!
I would like to resolve this matter. I will now only do so if this thread is removed. My last word about this subject.:smile: