Starting problems

12 February 2006
I just purchased a 91 At w 28K I removed the stereo and seats as the car had been in storage for the last eight years. I started the car after I removed the seats and the stereo and now the car won't start, new optima battery great voltage every thing works however the starter will not turn over (should of bought a stick could of push started it) all the fuses are good Help!!
This sounds almost too simple, but anyway .... with the seat out are you able to depress the clutch? (pedal interlocks the starter)
On auto car, the interlocks are shift lever switch and the security system, both of which interlock the starter-cut relay.
Check this post for where to locate the starter cut relay and schematic of the starter circuit.

Or check the on-line manual go to page 1063

You either have
a) no power to the 'hot' side of the relay (which would be an ignition switch problem or main fuse #29) - with keyswitch in 'start'position check for +12V at the black/white wire either at the ignition switch itself or the starter cut relay (located next to the security module behind the glove box - need to remove the glove box to access); if no +12 then bad ignition switch (known!) or fuse 29.
b) no ground to the 'low' side of the relay - test by cranking while directly grounding the black/green wire from your shift position switch; if it works, you either have a bad or disconnected switch or a security interlock; to test for which, ground the black/yellow wire at the shift switch - if it works, problem in security - if not, bad switch.
c) if neither power or ground to relay is problem, possibly bad relay.

I suspect something to do with the shift switch since you have removed the console to remove radio - possibly got disconnected or knocked out of whack?
Do you have keyless entry? Close hood & arm/disarm the system (or lock unlock manually with key) and test again.