Starting issues

16 March 2006
I have an intermittent starting issue. Every now and then when I turn the key the starter will engage but the engine won’t turn over. If I try it a few times it starts perfectly. I have replaced the battery and cleaned the terminals, checked the main relay (I wouldn’t think that would be the problem since the starter engages). I’ve also tried the “key jiggling” with no noticeable result, and yes, the clutch is fully depressed…..All signs seem to point to the starter…..any ideas?
Does the starter turn and the engine never fire, or do you hear a "click" and no starter turning? If the former, it might be a fuel delivery issue (fuel pump, maybe). If the latter, then yes, it could be the starter. Just my two cents. :)
"Click" and the engine does not turn over. If the engine turns over it starts everytime. Sometimes it will turn over a little, like a low battery.
Sounds like the starter. The anti-theft system has a starter-kill relay, so you also might want to check to make sure it is not faulty.
you could also take apart the starter (pretty simple) and look at the contacts (bushings?). I had the same issues 3 years ago, went through the whole deal like you and I took it out and the contacts where less than a penny thick. Got a new starter and good as new. I need to get new contacts for my old one.
another 2 cent
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the lights dim when it clicks/doesn't crank.

any suggested place to purchase a new starter?
You could also have your starter rebuilt. There are many shops that rebuild starters and alternators. I used a shop called Master Car Parts in Rochester, NY when I lived up there. They give it back to you in brand-new condition for about $75-$100. I'm sure you can find a similar shop in your area. It beats the $600+ you'll spend at Acura for a new one.
Perfect! I Found a place locally, about $100 to rebuild.

Thanks, even if it turns out to be something else, it's worth it.

Thanks again.
I got the starter rebuilt and reinstalled, works great. It's noticeably quieter when cranking and so far it fixed the intermittent click-not-cranking issue. Only time will tell if it was the true cause, but it seems to have fixed it (at least initially!) I guess the bearings were going out, contacts, brushes, etc.

On another note, I read up on the process about removal and reinstall prior to tackling the job, and I have to say it was probably one of the easiest tasks I've done on this car. (WAAAAAY Easier than the 20+ coolant hose replacement!) I had it out in 20-30 minutes and back in and running in about 45. No seized bolts, skinned knuckles, nada!! Must have gotten lucky. Best tip I read was to remove the top mounting bolt last to prevent binding up the lower one, that made it a breeze.

Thanks all, this site is invaluable.
Sooner or later you'll need a new ignition switch. It's very easy to replace so you might want to order one now before the part becomes unavailable.
Glad to hear it worked out for you. Now you know where to go when the alternator starts going bad too. :)

I got the starter rebuilt and reinstalled, works great. It's noticeably quieter when cranking and so far it fixed the intermittent click-not-cranking issue. Only time will tell if it was the true cause, but it seems to have fixed it (at least initially!) I guess the bearings were going out, contacts, brushes, etc.

On another note, I read up on the process about removal and reinstall prior to tackling the job, and I have to say it was probably one of the easiest tasks I've done on this car. (WAAAAAY Easier than the 20+ coolant hose replacement!) I had it out in 20-30 minutes and back in and running in about 45. No seized bolts, skinned knuckles, nada!! Must have gotten lucky. Best tip I read was to remove the top mounting bolt last to prevent binding up the lower one, that made it a breeze.

Thanks all, this site is invaluable.