Star Wars: Episode III Title Revealed

9 February 2000
San Diego!!!!
WARNING: Spoilers ahead. Don't read this thread if you don't want to find out ANYTHING about the upcoming Star Wars movie

I don't know how many here are Star Wars fans, but today at the San Diego Comic-Con, the "official" title of the final chapter in the Star Wars Saga was announced.

Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith

Most of a two hour Lucasfilm presentation at the convention pretty much bored me close to death. (And I'm a big Star Wars fan.) Some time was spent previewing the upcoming EP4/5/6 DVD realease in September, with an even larger amount of time devoted to upcoming PC and videogame releases in the next few months.

However, some concept art and behind the scenes footage of EP3 was also shown. While I haven't been a fan of the first two prequels, I gotta admit that seeing the Darth Vader mask being put on Hayden sent chills up my spine. I originally wasn't convinced that the scrawny kid could physically be the supreme epitome of screen evil power, but it looks like he's bulked up a bit. Once that mask covered up his face, I started to believe. Answering how much of the movie he would be in the mask was obviously avoided.

And some of the behind the scenes footage of the Anakin and Obi-wan fighting.....whoa!!!! :eek: It looks like it could be pretty good. We were told it' will be the longest saber sequence from the entire series and that it covers quite a variety of environment and/or area.

A few other notes that I remember:
- EP3 will concentrate a lot on the conflict between Anakin and Kenobi
- It was hinted that the romance between Anakin and Padme would not be explored TOO much
- We were told to "Not worry about Jar Jar". If that means he's not in it at all or much, I don't know
- Pics of the Wookie homeworld weren't all that impressive to me
- Mace Windu will play in integral part in Anakin making the complete turn to the Dark Side

Well, that's what I remember so far. I'm sure more info will continue to slowly leak out.

Bummer. i just lost money on the name. :p
I could have sworn the film was going to be called <B>"Star Wars: Episode III, Attack of the reused CG models".</B> :rolleyes: :D

<B>FuryNSX</B> : So Hayden manages to be evil enough? Lucas could have made him even MORE EVIL if he'd used the Fury XX. ;) I'm not a star wars fan, but those bits of info aren't really spoilers.
The real question is whether or not the title will be changed to Return of the Sith before the movie releases. :D

Yeah, I'm huge Star Wars fan (so much so that I had to attend Lucas' film school). Like most fans, I've been significantly disappointed by the direction Lucas has taken the franchise, starting with the Special Edition re-releases through the prequel trilogy. I was even debating whether or not I'd buy the Episode 4-6 DVD release because Lucas refuses to include the original theatrical cut and who knows how much additional tweaking (you've all seen the clip of Hayden at the end of Return of the Jedi, right?).

I'm crossing my fingers that Episode 3 is something special...Lucas seriously needs to redeem himself in this final outing.

BTW, I've never been to Comic-Con. Amazing, eh?
I was not a big fan of the re-made 4-6. I hated the ending of the remade Jedi event though the ewok party was cheezy. CG jabba also looked REALLY bad IMO. If they do more tweaking, I hope the redo those scense.

I liked EP1 much more than 2, even with the retarded Jar Jar.

I am sure 3 will be good, but probably no where near as good as the originals.
"No...that's not true...that's imPOSsible."
--Luke (Ep 5)

Luke pretty much sums up how I felt when I first saw Episode 1.

I can't stand Jar Jar or the kid who played young Anakin, so I definitely preferred Episode 2 to 1. Of course, I've never cringed more than I did in those painful "love" scenes involving Hayden's Anakin with Padme in Episode 2.

"Obi-wan keeps holding me back!"
--Anakin (Ep2)

--Luke (Ep 5)

BTW, Ep 5 is my fave.
Well I'm psyched.

The best for last:
The actor Hayden Christopher (think thats right) looks much older than 22 (his real age) and really compliments the Darth Vader look here.
Interesting pics.

But those dopes still can't get starship design right. That Jedi starfighter (as with everything else in EP1&2) looks like a collection of ideas with no clear sense of purpose. Too much dipping into the orginal trilogy for "inspiration" with no commitment.

And way too much alien stuff. Lucas really has too much of a fixation on creature effects. It borders on a sickness, IMO.

About the only thing they've truly done better in the prequels is the lightsaber duels.
akira3d said:
I was even debating whether or not I'd buy the Episode 4-6 DVD release because Lucas refuses to include the original theatrical cut and who knows how much additional tweaking (you've all seen the clip of Hayden at the end of Return of the Jedi, right?).
My expectation is that he'll come out with a box set next year that has all 6 movies in a version that causes people to once again buy the movies they ended up buying this year. :rolleyes:

akira3d said:
BTW, I've never been to Comic-Con. Amazing, eh?
Wow. Never? You really need to find a way at some point. Traffic, parking and lines there are beginning to get WAY out of hand.
Well, I'm still afraid that Lucas won't be able to save the series with Episode 3...and remember how Yoda's saying goes:

"Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering. I sense much fear in [Star Wars fans]." :eek:

Wow. Never? You really need to find a way at some point

When I used to have the time to go, I didn't really see the point. I'm not a comic book fan. But I have attended plenty of similarly geeky conventions (Star Trek, anime and sci-fi, E3, etc.)...
akira3d said:
When I used to have the time to go, I didn't really see the point. I'm not a comic book fan. But I have attended plenty of similarly geeky conventions (Star Trek, anime and sci-fi, E3, etc.)...
I pretty much spend zero minutes in anything comic related. Most of my time is devoted to buying other stuff. :D Also, the panels and discussions upstairs over the course of the four days tend to be pretty insightful, from what I heard. My nephew spent most of his time sitting on upcoming movie panels.
That reminds me, are you going to Siggraph? I'm actually attending this year's show.
akira3d said:
That reminds me, are you going to Siggraph? I'm actually attending this year's show.
No, unfortunately, we'll be in the middle of a MAJOR milestone push (IOW, an incentive based deadline) right about the time of SIGGRAPH. As such, I'm only going to be sending one artist to L.A. Actually, I have him going to the Maya Masters classes during the bulk of his stay.
Just read the news on IGN. Nice tie-in to the original films.

Star Wars defined my early life (as it did most kids my age and older 31+) I still remember that magic feeling (although vague with age) of my imagination as a child expanding the whole star wars universe and sharing the same dreams as the luke skywalker character has he looked to the stars and wished to be there.

Now being a cynical adult its easy to harshly criticise the new films, i just try to take in the new films with some of the essence of the child i used to be. Makes the films much more enjoyable:)

Rant off :D
The only good scene in EP2 was when Hayden got pissed off and killed all those Tusken Raiders..the rest of the time he was pretty flat. So if he looks better when he's pissed off things should be good for EP3.

Plus I saw him in shattered glass I thought he did a good job there