SRS Light

20 January 2007
Vancouver, Washington
The SRS light suddenly illuminated a few days ago in my '91 (approx. 45K miles). This occurred while I was driving the vehicle rather than when I first started the vehicle. It has remained on since then. The battery was changed shortly before this occurred, so could that have something to do with it?

Any ideas?

Could a fuse be involved or maybe simply take off and reset the battery cables?
Mine has been on since I bought it. I would also be interested to find out what the issue is. Cable reel maybe?
Not sure if this helps but I can tell you that mine was fine one day and then it was on and off intermittently then finally it stayed on. The horn and cruise control stopped working so it was a good indication that it was the cable reel. I took the cable reel apart just to see what was going on and the cable inside was in 4 pieces. I have one being shipped to me now.

Good luck.

It seems that the SRS module can fail, resulting in illumination of the light. This occurred in my '91 NSX as well recently. I don't believe the issue is mileage related, rather deals with age. When I opened up the module, it appeared that the capacitors had failed (similar to what happens in the CCU & Amps). Below is the thread I started regarding the issue that may be helpful for you.
nsx_2k, tks for highlighting this again. In my case, it originally came on due to the A/C drain issue and when it did it a second time, it was also wet so I assumed that it was a harness wiring issue again especially since the troubleshooting guide in the shop manual also suggested wiring. So, I never thought to suspect the module and your comments about the fuse not blowing when the module is unplugged, is the simple diagnostic idea I will try. As it turns out, I just bought a used SRS harness from another Primer so I guess I'll have a backup plan if unplugging the module doesn't work. Tks for the great idea.

I see that BrianK has not responded in either this thread or the other one as to whether he does cap repairs in SRS units. I don't see why he wouldn't be able to but he may not be eager to do it if a mistake could result in the airbag going off accidentally. Brian .. are you out there?
nsx_2k, tks for highlighting this again. In my case, it originally came on due to the A/C drain issue and when it did it a second time, it was also wet so I assumed that it was a harness wiring issue again especially since the troubleshooting guide in the shop manual also suggested wiring. So, I never thought to suspect the module and your comments about the fuse not blowing when the module is unplugged, is the simple diagnostic idea I will try. As it turns out, I just bought a used SRS harness from another Primer so I guess I'll have a backup plan if unplugging the module doesn't work. Tks for the great idea.

I see that BrianK has not responded in either this thread or the other one as to whether he does cap repairs in SRS units. I don't see why he wouldn't be able to but he may not be eager to do it if a mistake could result in the airbag going off accidentally. Brian .. are you out there?

I would be very hesitant to work on the SRS control units. The liability is just too great.