SRS Light (Seat Belt delete, Harnesses) ??

28 November 2009
For some time now i have had my Seat belts removed for in place of Harnesses.

The seat belt plug some where has a sensor that detects the seat belt is not plugged in and throws the SRS light.

This is exactly the same when you fit a aftermarket steering wheel deleting the Air bag. Sos sells there steering with a jumper kit which jumps to pins to trick the system into thinking there Airbag is still in place.

However i need to do this same thing for the Seat belts to get rid of my SRS light.

I have searched and can't really find much on the topic. Or any fixes at least.

Someone out there must know the fix?

I bet it's very similar to the steering wheel fix, just jump to pins for the seat belt but this is only a guess and not sure what two pins i would jump if that is the case.

Has anyone else encountered this and overcome it?

Please.... help :D

So are u running aftermarket seat then? The plug I could think of that u disconnect is the buckle. So when u clip the belt in, it turn the dash belt icon off. I was running aftermarket seat, left the buckle in, use stock belt. No srs light. Now I have schroth 4pts belt and still left the buckle plug in. quick release steering wheel. No srs light either. Maybe its different for newer na2?? My is a 93.
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I found this thread where another NSX user asked the same question. I have a 92 I just bought and have the same issue.

At the bottom of the first page there's two links that give more information but seem to apply specifically to an RSX. I'm gathering the process is nearly the same but will keep looking for specific NSX info myself.
take the old buckle release and put a meter on the 2 wires. should read nothing. plug in the oem buckle and see what the meter says. it I'll either be straight continuity(short the 2wires together) or maybe read a resistance if there's something inside the release.

then replicate it at the plug after you remove the factory release.
Brilliant.... Awesome.... Thank you!!

I will give that a try.

Sure i have a volt meter laying around.

My car is a Na1 but it is also OBD2.
The connectors for the SRS portion of the seat belts are in the B-pillars. Doing the resister trick on the seat belt buckle will do nothing to solve your problem. Take off the B-pillar plastics and you'll see the yellow connectors. Those are the ones you want to gypsy up and make work.

The SRS seat belts started 93+ (dual airbag cars).
The connectors for the SRS portion of the seat belts are in the B-pillars. Doing the resister trick on the seat belt buckle will do nothing to solve your problem. Take off the B-pillar plastics and you'll see the yellow connectors. Those are the ones you want to gypsy up and make work.

The SRS seat belts started 93+ (dual airbag cars).

Yes found the connectors you mean.

A little more info, they are a yellow 3 pin plug the same as the steering wheel plug.

they are exactly the same, i have tried the red safety pin jumper from the steering wheel on these plugs first checking the red safety jumper meant for them also jumps the same pins and it fits!

So these are exactly the same plugs.

Now the SOS steering wheel hub kit comes with a jumper and you jump pins 1 & 3 seeing these are exactly the same i'm wondering if the same would apply?

I don't want to just try it as i don't want to set off the passenger side air bag. I can't just disconnect the passenger side air bag then test it as that would throw up a light on the dash and i will not be able to see if that has solved the problem.

Then that leads me to my next question, the SOS jumper wire for the steering hub is this just as simple as a cable and two female pin plugs or... Is there a resister or something within the jumper? it's a very short wire.

Any help or suggestions much appreciated.

I really don't know why this isn't all over the forum, there are allot of people with aftermarket seats and harness bars, your telling me no one else has ever removed the factory belts? must be several people out there who has done it, guessing they perhaps just removed the bulb which isn't what i want to do.
You still have the oem seat belts in the car? I know on the later models they have pre-tensioners that could be just as dangerous as setting off the airbag. Be careful not to set them off.

It's because i took the whole belt tensioner assembly out and your correct it is tied it to the SRS system.

They don't really work with my Route KS harness bar.
well my comptech bar ties into the B-pillar but the design allows the belt tensioner aparatus and oem belts to remain...thus no lights.Why Did you have to remove the belt tensioner with the route ks bar?
I'm not sure, i assumed it was part of the install.

This was a while ago now, there may have been a fitment issue.

Plus couldn't see the point in having them installed as they are of reasonable weight for something not needed.

Maybe that's the way to go, see if i can refit them, then what would i do with the belt? strap it up out the way behind the trim? Ideally would like to get rid of the tensioners if possible.
my stock belt is out of the way as is