Spring color codes?

16 October 2010
Upstate, NY
I recently removed the Eibachs as they were too low for the roads here. I obtained some OEM springs from another prime member here and am curious as to the whether the front springs too stiff/long for my stock 91 dampers. The car seems fine in the rear, but the front seems a bit higher than it should. I'm waiting for the spring to settle a bit more into the rubber tophat, but it just seems a bit high.
I understand that the rates changed a bit over time to slightly stiffer rates, but I don't think the length differed.
My front springs are pink/blue coded.
Any clues or charts as to what these are off of?

Similar story. I have just received a set from a 2000 car. The code on the front is Pink/Yellow and the rear are Red/Green. Maybe it's as simple as a year identifier but either way I'd like to know if I should expect any differences, as I am hoping to lift the front back to original height so I can run original size (15/16) wheels without scrapping every ramp in sight.
If you put springs from a Targa on a coupe ( both with OEM dampers) it will raise the car about 3/4 of an inch from OEM stock heigth (the ride will not change that much). If you are still using the stock 1991 dampers you need to get rid of them - they are way past their useful life.
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