Spotted this really cool 130r white NSX while taking the kids to class....

15 October 2003
West coast!
Not sure if owner is on here but just wanted to say hello and parked next to you - hope you don't mind! :)

This was in NorCal - really digging the vinyl work, good to see modded NSX's slowly popping up.

You look like a fanboy rick ;p

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are there any cars in Europe running US plates:confused:
I usually keep my cars more or less stock, but I like my cars to have a little bit of originality. Otherwise it’s like showing up to a party wearing the exact thing as someone else. These NSX’s don’t have a lot of options so they all are pretty similar. Probably part of the reason why I bought the NSX in the first place was to be a little different.

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Looks like a fast and sexy penguin. :biggrin:
Not for everyone, but I can appreciate the owner doing whatever the hell he or she wants.