Spotted 2 NSX's for far in Hawaii

23 October 2000
Saint Augustine, FL
First one was a red NSX going to a wedding last night. It was up near a ranch on the northwest side.

Second was a Black NSX close to Honalulu today.

I am in withdrawl.. :frown:
I spotted a red in Waikiki when I was there in Feb. Posted the plate number in the west coast forum. Perhaps it was the same one and I too went through withdrawls :).
Isn't it amazig how many NSXs you actually see driving around Hawaii:biggrin: I actually see them quite often. I generally know who they are. It does surprise me though how often I do see one (Not counting the one in my garage:smile: ). Everytime I go the California I almost never see one and you'd think they probably have the most NSX owners in the nation.
ChrisK said:
...Everytime I go the California I almost never see one and you'd think they probably have the most NSX owners in the nation.

They do have the most. Of course, they are as big as 4 states combined, so that might have something to do with it. ;)