SpoCom Super Show in Long Beach Sunday July 18th

22 March 2010
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<st1>:placename>Long Beach</st1>:placename> <st1>:placetype>Convention Center</st1>:placetype></st1>:place>
300 <st1:address><st1:street>Ocean Blvd.</st1:street>
<st1:city>Long Beach</st1:city>, <st1:state>CA</st1:state> <st1>:postalcode>90802</st1>:postalcode></st1:address>

Sunday, July 18th
<st1:time minute="0" hour="11">11:00am-6:00pm</st1:time>
More info? www.spocomusa.com

Coupon Code
Get $2.00 off your general admission online ticket[/FONT]
I've never been to this show. Is it worth going to for the car stuff or just to gawk at T&A?
I've never been to this show. Is it worth going to for the car stuff or just to gawk at T&A?

Both as in if you cars and girls then you should like the show.

Spocom is under Promotions.
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For $20, looks like interesting entertainment value. Spocom appears to cater to the extreme tuner scene, but still interesting. As of right now, I plan on attending.
maybe if we get enough people from here to go, we can caravan it?

I'll be coming from Fountain Valley but willing to meet somewhere convenient. However, I don't know what the parking situation is for the show and am hesitant to take my NSX.
I might check this out…. haven’t been to a good car show in a while:smile:. However, just like YellowHaze said, I’m not too sure I will take the NSX as I don’t know what the parking situation will be like.
I might check this out…. haven’t been to a good car show in a while:smile:. However, just like YellowHaze said, I’m not too sure I will take the NSX as I don’t know what the parking situation will be like.

Parking will be good in the structure and surrounding areas if you want to walk a little. If i get some extra passes I'll post up my information to hand them out... VIP passes were easy to come by for the past couple of years...
Thank you Malibu..... that is very kind of you!

Parking will be good in the structure and surrounding areas if you want to walk a little. If i get some extra passes I'll post up my information to hand them out... VIP passes were easy to come by for the past couple of years...
Parking will be good in the structure and surrounding areas if you want to walk a little. If i get some extra passes I'll post up my information to hand them out... VIP passes were easy to come by for the past couple of years...

As Semnos already said, thanks for looking into obtaining some VIP passes. What exactly does a VIP pass get you?

At the risk of sounding paranoid, I despise parking structures when driving anything but a rental car. I would definitely NOT bring my NSX nor my DD to park in a Long Beach parking structure. You'll either get a door ding or worse.
VIP would be cool. And parking isn't bad at all. How many guys did we roll with the drift event, like 10 or so. Most ppls are careful around the nsx, you car at a event like this would be a treasure imo.

Suntaelee, im down to caravan, I think im on vacation that week hopefully.
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Parking will be good in the structure and surrounding areas if you want to walk a little. If i get some extra passes I'll post up my information to hand them out... VIP passes were easy to come by for the past couple of years...

Hi Malibu,

Any word on the VIP passes for this event?

Thanks :smile:
Hi Malibu,

Any word on the VIP passes for this event?

Thanks :smile:

I can get them if I show, but I haven't been asked to show my car there yet. They contacted me at the last minute last year and I'm due to have dinner with one of the sponsors this week. I've showed there for the last 2 years at KW. I just did Bimmerfest for them again a few months ago.

Basically, I have to be there to check in the car the day before. At that time, one of the gals there runs around with a huge wad of the VIP passes and I can ask for several of them as they've been very generous in years past.

VIP passes don't get you much more than the regular pass, you just get to go in the VIP line. I had about 10 extra passes last year which I gave out to people on the street. No guarantees guys, if I get them, I'll post up my my info and give them to you.
I can get them if I show, but I haven't been asked to show my car there yet. They contacted me at the last minute last year and I'm due to have dinner with one of the sponsors this week. I've showed there for the last 2 years at KW. I just did Bimmerfest for them again a few months ago.

Basically, I have to be there to check in the car the day before. At that time, one of the gals there runs around with a huge wad of the VIP passes and I can ask for several of them as they've been very generous in years past.

VIP passes don't get you much more than the regular pass, you just get to go in the VIP line. I had about 10 extra passes last year which I gave out to people on the street. No guarantees guys, if I get them, I'll post up my my info and give them to you.

Regardless if you can get them or not, I really appreciate the effort.

Thank you
I just received confirmation that my NSX will be at the DSport booth. Gotta do some detailing! Don't know what to expect.



Your car is very deserving to be on display in the D-Sport booth. Thanks for representing.

Best Regards,

Will certainly ask and share them w Primers. How would I meet up w u guys or let u know I have some passes?

You gotta get them the day you drive the car in before the show. If you walk around the outside of the convention center up the stairs, there would be a lot of hiding spots you could leave them just in case. :)
Went today and saw Jeff's car and the other red one. Good job for representing us Jeff. Car is very clean.......lots of eye candy walking around too.....:biggrin:

Good seeing Fastrax there and some other guys I haven't seen in years.