Spirited driving gone bad

Hey 8000RPM...

The second link doesn't seem to work.
worked for me..
although I didn't get any sound at all on my lame work computer.
Do they say something significant?
It doesn't look that special to me.
Originally posted by Edo:
worked for me..
although I didn't get any sound at all on my lame work computer.
Do they say something significant?
It doesn't look that special to me.

Here, let me recap for you.
RRrrrrrrrrm rrrrrmmm rrrmmmmmm

(voices from the 2nd car)
** crunch crunch crunch** (sounds of tree limps snaping)
Oh my god!
Oh schmit!
I hate to say this but that reminded me of my past weekend. =/ I was up in the Malibu Canyons doing a run with some Supras and an Audi S4 in the evening. I came around a corner really hot and the backend just came out... flipped around 300 degrees and ran into the side of the canyon. Luckily most of my momentum was straight so I didn't go off the cliff to the left and didn't hit the canyon to the right very hard. Somebody will be getting an order for a new front bumper from me in the near future. =)
I was at a restaurant a couple of weeks ago, Phizer was having a reception in the catering hall for some execs. One got into his GS400 and instead of putting the car in reverse to get out of the parking spot...He plowed nose first into the restaurant. He broke through the 24" high cobblestone foundation, pushed back the aluminum siding outer wall of the ladies restroom, knocked out the entire tiled wall with one complete stall and throne, and went about three feet into the place. What amazed everyone was that the car had so little damage. One blinker was hanging, lights intact, bumper scuffed, and a plastic shield was hanging off under the engine, under 3 grand worth of damage to the car by my estimate. This prompted my thread about building a steel NSX.