Speedvision / Speed Channel Petition

21 February 2002
Cumming, GA USA
Hi everyone,

I posted this on the Honda S2000 board and someone suggested I post the information for you guys as well … hope you don’t mind the intrusion!

”I believe that a lot of the reason we are driving our cool S2Ks has to do with the advances made in motorsport and road racing. I have been a HUGE motorsport fan for 5+ years and know that some of you are motorsport/motorbike fans as well.

Speed Channel recently changed their programming to include a lot of Nascar. I won't go into my "why I don't like Nascar as an innovative racing sport" rant right now (I do think it's fine as entertainment), but I do know that there are many places to watch Nascar on TV ... TNN, Fox, ESPN, etc.

If you would like to let Speed Channel know that you are a motorsport enthusiast and you are worried about losing that road racing/ motorbike programming ... here's a link to a petition that was started (I got the email from people on the maxima.org board). I watch Speed Channel for F1, ALMS, BTCC, DTM and anything else that says cool cars, racing, & technology.

And, here's a comment I wish I'D written (you don't have to make comments but one of the questions is "What do you enjoy watching on Speed Channel?") ... "F1, ALMS, World Rally, GT, Touring Car, and anything else that requires more than one turn and a carbuerated pushrod V8"

F1 Sandy at www.s2ki.com

I commend you on this. I was thinking of creating a petition myself but I did not have the time to execute it. How will you be sending this to SPEEDVISION? Will it be via their email address?

I have been in disgust lately with the repeated occurrences of NASCRAP on SPEEDVISION lately. Every night, NASCRAP dominates with four(that's right I said 4) hours of brain-numbing, neuron killing, toxic form of television, NASGARBAGE!!

Fellow NSXers: Please show your support for real racing by signing the petition and maybe SPEEDVISION will return to the way it was before!

Thanks again, Sandy.

Thanks! Actually, it wasn't me who started the petition ... I'm just passing it along. The word I hear is that this year they will keep F1, ALMS and some other programming, I think it's important to give them EARLY feedback before they change the format completely. Fox bought them to highlight Nascar ... I don't want Speed Channel to become the Nascar Network.

Speedvision used to be addictive to me ... just turn it on and watch EVERYTHING. It was interesting and I learned a lot in fact that's how I got into BTCC and DTM ... just left the channel on and got hooked! Now I find myself turning the channel FROM Speed Channel more and more. I believe it's only been a week of the new programming ... but they've GOT to hear from us road racing fanatics!

Thanks for all the support!

when you think about how nascar started, where it is today was kinda predictable...

i don't watch much auto racing anyway and NO nascar ever...

Kaye & Trish
1998 NSX-T #176
No mods...