Speeding Tickets and other questions of a prospective owner


New Member
6 June 2006
SF East Bay, CA
I'm new to the board, but have been interested in NSXs for a while and I'm thinking of upgrading from my WRX wagon to an NSX. With my WRX wagon I have been very lucky with speeding tickets (sans radar detector); I think part of that is it is a small wagon: it looks very inconspicuous. That cannot be said for an NSX :smile:

I was wondering if people notice a marked increase in the number of tickets they received when they starting driving their NSX? I do practice safe and sane driving, pretty much everything in the FAQ on speeding, but I'll be the first to admit I'm in the fast lane more than any others.

My other main concern is that I will not have a garage to park it in. My condo building just has a large lot for parking. I'm not too worried about theft, the lot is shared with city hall, is well lit and very well patrolled by the local Emeryville PD. Any recommendations for parking outside? I talked to a local body shop owner who uses a NSX as his daily driver and parks his outside all the time, he has no concerns, but then again he can repaint :eek: his anytime he notices something wrong.

I'll probably sell the condo in 9 months or so and we'll get a house, so it won't be unsheltered for ever.

Thanks for any help and opinions!
Of course the number of speeding tickets you receive is entirely up to how you drive as you know, so the question becomes how much of a "target" is the NSX. I think this particular answer may vary by location. In some areas it may not receive all that much additional attention from law enforcement and in others it may be a magnet. In our area for instance we haven't had much of an issue with either of our NSXs bringing unwanted attention (knock on wood) and our current one is a extremely loud, widebody with a big ass wing.

Of course the NSX will draw more looks than the WRX wagon, but the speeding ticket factor wouldn't influence my decision to get the car. There may be some additional temptation to drive faster more often, that would be the biggest "danger" in getting more tickets.

It would be great if you could hold off on the car until you could park it inside, however it will hold up just fine being outdoors with a little TLC from you.
Welcome, use the search in the various forums to find info on various aspects of NSX purchasing, ownership, & the car itself. I have a '94 Subaru Legacy Turbo wagon (last of the turbos before they finally got smart & sent the WRX over here) and the Zanardi. So we're kind of in the same boat.

First off, get the house (with at least a 1 car garage) first. Financially it makes more sense & then you will already have a secure place for the NSX. There are too many dumbasses in the world who will vandalize, break into, or steal the NSX to leave it out all the time. And you will be neurotic wondering if anything has happened to it. And I bet your insurance company will like you a lot better for having the car parked safely, being a homeowner, and give a multiple policy discount if you insure the cars & house with them.

Secondly, I find myself driving more carefully in the NSX since I know I'm a ticket magnet & I'm worried about anything happening to the car. And there's the feeling of having nothing to prove, the car speaks for itself so there's no need to show off. However, it is a blast to open up & after a good jaunt in the NSX, I actually drive the Subaru slower. I think this is because I get it out of my system for a while & I know that it just doesn't compare to the NSX so there's no point in driving as fast as I usually do in it.

Lastly, take your time to find the right car. When it's really right it will fall into place. Good luck.
TyraNSX said:
And you will be neurotic wondering if anything has happened to it.

I am a sufferer of this particular NSXowner issue. (The first step is being able to admit you have a problem)

TyraNSX said:
And there's the feeling of having nothing to prove, the car speaks for itself so there's no need to show off.

There is no need to speed...the NSX looks faster parked, than your Subaru going 50mph. (IMHO):biggrin:
Depending on what type of NSX you're looking for (stock vs mods, coupe vs T, color, 3.0 vs 3.2, etc.) and how particular you are with your purchase (will or won't accept salvage title, "used"-looking vs "new"-looking, etc.) you may want to start looking for the car now. Some people here spend months looking for their car, so your house purchase could theoretically happen before your NSX purchase, even though you start looking for the car now!

Just so you know the truth, no NSX owner ever breaks the speed limit, we don't get tickets either!!! The only ticket I've ever gotten in my NSX was for no front license plate, and I wasn't speeding!!!:eek: :wink: :rolleyes: :cool: :confused: :redface:
Thanks for the comments. I'm pretty financially secure; selling this condo will allow us to buy a nice house (Emeryville's condo prices, especially lofts, is insanely expensive). There are a few other nice cars that live here as well; a new MB S500 hasn't had a problem yet. I'm half a block from Pixar and Fantasy Junction is three blocks away (yes, it is a very interesting neighborhood).

I checked with my insurance carrier and it seems that a switch from a WRX to an NSX only adds about $400 a year at my current address. Too many kids like to drive WRXs recklessly and bang them up.

The point about looking for the correct NSX is very good one. I'm not doing this right away. We need to get the lady of the house a new vehicle (she is a real estate agent and wants a larger car with more cache); we are looking forward to the new Acura RDX for that. Unless the "perfect" car appears, I probably won't be purchasing the car for at least two months.

So from now till then, research research research (with a healthy amount of drooling).
Several years ago my wife and I were driving in the NSX to see a freind in Westchester County, NY and I was driving the Merritt Parkway. It's a very scenic divided highway (somewhat rural in spots) thru Conneticutt, but the entrance ramps leading onto the Parkway all have Stop signs, because there is no merge lane... so most people drive in the left hand lane to avoid those pulling onto the righthand lane of the Parkway from the entrance ramps. The speed limit I think is 55 mph.

Anyway, I'm behind two other cars in the left lane and there are two cars in the right lane and we're all doing about 50 mph... as the lead car in the left lane was just pacing with the car right along side him. This goes on for what seemed like 5 minutes.... I start to get anxious to get around these slowpokes. When I next looked in my rearview mirror all I could see was the grill of another car...he was almost in my trunk!!

With nowhere to go, I nervously awaited some progress in front of me, so I could get around those guys or pull over to let the asshole on my bumper get by, but to no avail. Finally, the two cars in the right lane both put on their turn signal to exit at the upcoming street.

As the two cars in the right lane leave the Parkway, I wait a couple seconds to see if the jerks in front of me are going to pull over (I also glance at the "grill" behind me to see if he's headed to the right lane)... nobody's moving and he's still all over my ass... so I drop it in third, hit the turn signal, and put the pedal to the floor. I was at about 100 mph when I went passed the lead car that was camped in the left lane. I then backed off, made a comment to my wife about these particular drivers, and relaxed... only to look in my rearview mirror and see the flashing lights of a police car gaining steadilly on me.... it was the "grill" that was previously all over my ass.

To make an already long story short, he gave me all kinds of shit about possibly impounding my car for wreckless driving, speeding, etc. (I admitted to going near 100 mph just to get him off my ass, since the cars in front of me didn't pull left and were driving under the speed limit, etc.) and after I unloaded on him for his "following to close" driving, such that I didn't even know it was a police car behind me, he admitted he was just "checking the car out... he hadn't see an NSX up close before, he said"... but, he said, that was no excuse for my excessive driving. He went back to his car and wrote me up for "passing on the right". We had another heated discussion about that before I departed and decided that, "passing on the right" was better than the alternative ticket, i.e. speeding or impoundment.

To say the least, I beat the ticket in court (the cop didn't show) after talking to the magistrate about the circumstances. He actually laughed when I told him the story.... as do I when I think about that day.

So, the lesson learned here is that you will get eyeballed more frequently and pulled over more often that in a Ford... but, it still well worth it!! Drive safe!
The NSX is one of a few select sportscars I enjoy driving regardless of speed or pace. One drawback of turbocharged vehicles, in my experience, is the "internal need" to boost. Once you start to boost, it seems like a crime to humanity to let off before redline. On stock cars with small turbochargers it isn't a big deal, but when you start getting upwards of 400hp..500hp..lag increases steadily unless you have some very nice ball bearing turbos and a very professional setup.

As for the parking concern, get a car cover. I got in the habit of using them on my motorcycles since I also went for a period of time w/o a garage. This eliminates the majority of the sunlight and weather problems, and my personal greatest issue, bird $hit that will errode paint like no other if unnoticed. I will put a disclaimer though: Get a home/condo first, that's my overall suggestion. One issue with a car cover is it goes two ways, first, it attracts extra attention. Perhaps the theif/criminal would have never noticed it otherwise. Second, they don't know what it is, and if they are not able to tell what shape it is to at least determine the model, will not steal or probably bother with it. No one steals cars without an agenda or buyer readily available. If I couldn't see my NSX from my window however, I think I would go insane getting up and checking on it 3 times a night. I lived on a rougher side of town and would wake up dreading checking on my vehicles. It's simply not worth it. Luckily I never had any issues.
The NSX reveals the character of the driver if no other car did this before. :) Yes, speeding-tickets have gone up. :) I've installed the short gears with a good side-effect that I don't rush into the forbidden speeding-zone in second so often. :)
Re: I probably have 15 speeding tickets...

TomCat said:
None in the NSX, yet!
My wife says that if I get one in this car...its GONE!!!
The car or the wife? :D
I hadn't realized how important I had become by purchasing the NSX.:confused:
When driving the car I often have a police escort, its just odd they always escort my from directly behind. :rolleyes:
I even had a police car follow me into a Dunkin' Donut's parking lot. I park and went in for a cup of coffee; now I was followed by the officer on foot. To break the tension as we we stood in line I remarked to the officer, "this service was anything but a high speed operation". The officer remarked, " I can see by the car you drive you are not accustom to slow speed operations". I commented, "thanks for noticing, the car is built by Honda you know". Since that day when I see this officer on patrol he usually waves as he passes me.:biggrin:
[you meet the nicest people driving a Honda]:cool:

Almost 3 years and No tickets yet with the NSX.:biggrin:

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I hear the speeding ticket conversation come up all the time with my sportscar friends. I tell them that I live by the maxim, "A cars speed is in direct proportion as to how hard you press the gas pedal". Really that simple! :smile:

I'm 36 years old, and have had 65 cars to date. I've owned Big-block Chevelles, 5.0 Mustangs, Saleens, my NSX, and they all atract attention. Yet, so far I've NEVER received a speeding ticket. Just be sane on the roads and you'll be fine.
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cft said:
I'm thinking of upgrading from my WRX wagon to an NSX. With my WRX wagon I have been very lucky with speeding tickets (sans radar detector); I think part of that is it is a small wagon: it looks very inconspicuous. That cannot be said for an NSX :smile:

I was wondering if people notice a marked increase in the number of tickets they received when they starting driving their NSX?

My other main concern is that I will not have a garage to park it in. My condo building just has a large lot for parking. I'm not too worried about theft

I'll probably sell the condo in 9 months or so and we'll get a house, so it won't be unsheltered for ever.

Hey, are you on any of the Subaru and/or WRX forums?

We're in very similar situations. I have been a WRX guy since before they came to the US (jdm swap in a '94 Impreza back in college). Anyway, I just picked up my '95 NSX-T two and a half months ago, and even with the bright Formula Red color, I've had no issues with police as yet (2500 miles so far). With my red jdm WRX swap and then my 326 whp blue/gold WRX I got a substantial number of tickets. Granted, I have since changed my driving habits, and tend to keep within 5 mph of the limit in the NSX. Obviously, it boils down to the driver more than the car. Also, I'm not sure what color your WRX is, but if it's World Rally Blue, its a very eye-catching color (one trooper told me my WRB WRX with gold wheels stood out like a sore thumb).

I also have a condo near Atlantic City that I stay at more than my home towards Philadelphia, and the nights that I stay at the condo, the car is not garaged. If you're planning to get a house in 9 months, I don't think it would be a big deal to have the car sit outside over that time. Although I don't know your financial situation, I'd be more concerned with the possibility of a larger NSX car payment affecting the size of the mortgage you get approved for, and might consider putting off the NSX purchase more for that reason.
