Speeding Ticket!

21 March 2006
Tracy Ca
Well it happened today 80 in a 65.
The CHP was way cool he had me at 86mph I was speeding and he caught me. Time to cool the engines...
You see there was this Vette in front of me in the fast lane doing about 45 to 50. So I went around him and (and you know by the time I hit 8k I was moving) in a turn as I pass him I hear my detector scramming at me and I see the CHP behind some trees not hiding just chilling and waiting... I know my detector picked him a lot sooner but I was to busy driving
He said nice car as he came to my door and be safe as he departed. He could have hit me with a double fine but did not!
i also got a speeding ticket this weekend, headed to Crystal Cove. but i feel as if it was a speed trap. the speed limit was 50-55. was going the speed limit, a toyota tundra was swerving into my lane.(the road was a downhill slope) i tried avoiding the truck and accelerated to get ahead. due to the elevation (downhill) i picked up speed pretty quick. so from 50 to 75 was pretty fast. as soon as i got ahead, i saw the cop pointing his radar at me. i was like "shit". i pulled over before he could even flash his lights.

i explained the situation, asked when was the last time his radar has been calibrated/certified. but all he could say was "you should of been slower." i still feel it was unjust.

the funny thing was. where i was pulled over (right in front of Crystal Cove) there was also an m3, mustang, and biker pulled over to the side getting tickets. speed trap i tell ya!! i guess its end of the month and they meet they're quota. its extortion
It's not unjust, and it's not extortion. You were speeding and you got caught. Any time you go more than 5-10 mph over the limit you can get caught. It's just a matter of luck that the cop happened to be in exactly the right (or wrong) place to time you when you happened to be going that fast. The exact same thing happened to me last December - unfamiliar road, not paying attention, picked up speed going down a hill, and ZAP.

If you like, you can take it to court (with or without a lawyer) to see if you can get a reduced or suspended sentence to keep it off your record...
nsxpurextc said:
:wink: Sound like someone needs Valentine 1.
Radar detectors do not make you immune to speeding tickets, but they reduce the odds.

FWIW, I got my speeding ticket in a state that does not permit the use of radar detectors and is very strict about it.
nsxtasy said:
If you like, you can take it to court (with or without a lawyer) to see if you can get a reduced or suspended sentence to keep it off your record...

i would if i had the time. even if i do, it would be the police officers word against mines. just because im a civilian my word is dirt.(plus i wouldn't want to wild out in court) like i said it was a speed trap. thats why there was more that a couple squad cars at the top of the hill, its they're revenue generator. i'll just pay the bail, do the schooling, life goes on.

i wish they had a navi program that pin pointed every squad car/bike in a 1/4 to 1/2 mile radius:wink:
As I said I was just too busy driving not to mention the top was off so there was a noise factor. The detector worked I just failed to heed its warning.... Additionally the CHP was around the turn blocked by a hill… Had I not passed the vette he would have been my shield. Again it was my fault I have no one to blame...
Speak of the devil. I just got by popped by the popo. 93 in 70. Out in BFE empty barren nothing texas by a town called "post". He almost sounded disappointed when he asked if I was on leave, which I said yes, but it's not like he fudged the numbers or anything. Anyhow, I goto the court house on my through town cause hell, I'm already there. Judge said the fine is like $234, BUT if I was going OVER 100, the fine would have been $200.... yeah weird. They've got some sort of retarded fine/speed schedule thing there. It's all written out, and they don't budge.
KooLaid said:
Speak of the devil. I just got by popped by the popo. 93 in 70. Out in BFE empty barren nothing texas by a town called "post". He almost sounded disappointed when he asked if I was on leave, which I said yes, but it's not like he fudged the numbers or anything. Anyhow, I goto the court house on my through town cause hell, I'm already there. Judge said the fine is like $234, BUT if I was going OVER 100, the fine would have been $200.... yeah weird. They've got some sort of retarded fine/speed schedule thing there. It's all written out, and they don't budge.

Hey, didn't you just get your NSX? I remember reading your post on another thread. In any case, how are you liking the car?
AmigaOS said:
I was just plain speeding.
I will do traffic school on-line so it will stay off my record...

Good idea and u need to behave driving for the next 18mo coz that's the time it will take for u to be eligible for another traffic school.

dont ask how i know :wink:
Don't want to piss anyone off, but I was cruising at 110mph this weekend. Must have been my luck weekend....hope my luck holds out cuz I LOVE driving my NSX as it was intended to be driven.
from Northwest Forum

randomharmony said:
just passing this along . . .

California Highway Patrol will launch a 30-day speeding ticket frenzy in CA that started on January 25, 2006. The state estimates that 22 million dollars will be generated in speeding tickets. 3 million will go to pay California Highway Patrol officer overtime.

There will be 90 California Highway Patrol officers on duty at all times patrolling the 11 freeways. Five of which are the following: 5, 99, 101, 580, 680 freeways. Now 7 mph above the limit can justify a ticket and every Highway Patrol officers are supposed to pull a car over and write a ticket every 10 minutes.

They have issued 50 brand new unmarked Crown Victoria cruisers and they are bringing all their part timers on full time. If you live or work in California and you must take one of these freeways - It's up to you to know how fast you are driving when they do pull you over.

This is a test by the CHP to raise the extra funds for the State of California. The California State Legislators dreamed up this program to help close th e budget gap.

So be safe and don't forget speeding tickets are on you. You can thank your Governor. You've been warned. So slow your roll.

Hoax or not. It reminds me to slow down and that CHP's are out there and Mr. Arnols needs some $$$ for California :redface:
nsxtasy said:
It's not unjust, and it's not extortion. You were speeding and you got caught. Any time you go more than 5-10 mph over the limit you can get caught. It's just a matter of luck that the cop happened to be in exactly the right (or wrong) place to time you when you happened to be going that fast. The exact same thing happened to me last December - unfamiliar road, not paying attention, picked up speed going down a hill, and ZAP.

If you like, you can take it to court (with or without a lawyer) to see if you can get a reduced or suspended sentence to keep it off your record...

Yes, it is like the ducks in the tub at a carnival. They are all going the same speed and direction and bam the Lucky Duck is picked for no particular reason.
steveny said:
Yes, it is like the ducks in the tub at a carnival. They are all going the same speed and direction and bam the Lucky Duck is picked for no particular reason.
do u think color and shape has some factor in picking the victim? :biggrin:
maybe ENVY has also something to do with it :smile:
amgnsx said:
do u think color and shape has some factor in picking the victim? :biggrin:
maybe ENVY has also something to do with it :smile:

When I get to the carnival I always pick the shiny duck who has a little difference from the rest.
Yep, just got home today. I'm LOVING it. LOL.

First ticket in the NSX and I didn't even make it out of the state I bought it in!

I was surprised he didn't try to screw me over more though. I mean the window stickers for the registration type thing were gone. I produced NO title. NO registration. NO proof of insurance. He didn't even really care. I just showed him a bill of sale. Photocopy of my two id's along with my real one and a copy of the last owner's id. Then I just told him that I get 5 days of full coverage when I buy a car, and I just bought it from way out of my home state. I think he didn't like that I produced a california license......... maybe that's why he didn't nudge down the speed for me......

Jai015 said:
Hey, didn't you just get your NSX? I remember reading your post on another thread. In any case, how are you liking the car?
johnny010 said:
I'm trying very hard not to drive my car until my 3 month period lapses from the last 5 TICKETS I got all at once. Geez....Hard life.
wow 5tkt :eek:
How do u keep your license and still be allowed to drive???
are those 5 moving violation or just fix it tkt??

You must be your auto insurance's favorite customer. :smile: j/k
Be consistent on the tickets. Slow, cell phone, lookey loo's, rubber-neckers, minivan with kids in the fast lane, blocking a lane by not letting faster traffic pass, last minute brake-light tapping indecisive drivers all deserve tickets. You'll never see these asshole drivers get stopped.

Danny RED SR 71
REPEAL V.C. 22351
:mad: :mad: :mad: :frown:
amgnsx said:
do u think color and shape has some factor in picking the victim? :biggrin:
maybe ENVY has also something to do with it :smile:
Not in my case. I was driving the Integra and it was after dark.