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First ticket ever. :mad:

Got caught speeding with laser gun going 67mph at 50mph zone.  I saw the officer on bike 300feet away and slowed down to 50mph, yet it was too late.

Unfortunately the officier issued the ticket and insisted that it was 45mph zone at where he clocked me, however I was in 50mph zone without a doubt.  Is it worth going to court and fight for the 5mph difference.  I can go back to the area and take pictures of the speed limit sign.

It was at Colima rd, which is a mountain road like highway near Haciena Heights.  I never been to that area before.  I was there to pick up front mount intercooler for my Supra, I was driving NSX.

I thought usually officier would give +/- 10mph break.  On my ticket not only did I not get any break, he added 5mph to my ticket to make it 22mph over the limit instead of 17mph.

What kind of damage am I looking at fine wise 22mph vs 17mph.  Is it possible to take traffic school online?

Thanks in advance
