Received speed ticket CVC 22349(a) Exceed maximum speed of 65, CHP officer says I was driving 81MPH and wrote that speed on the citation. To clear this citation I can do three things
1. pay $399
2. Appear in court, Superior Court Richmond
3. attend traffic school and pay fee of $451
I haven't received a traffic ticket in over 18 months , I am eligible for traffic school. Officer checked the Radar box on the citation. I don't want my insurance rates to increase. I know I was going over the speed limit but I don't feel I was going 81MPH. Any suggestions on how to contest this ticket? and what to expect when I appear in court to contest ticket. Thanks in advance.
1. pay $399
2. Appear in court, Superior Court Richmond
3. attend traffic school and pay fee of $451
I haven't received a traffic ticket in over 18 months , I am eligible for traffic school. Officer checked the Radar box on the citation. I don't want my insurance rates to increase. I know I was going over the speed limit but I don't feel I was going 81MPH. Any suggestions on how to contest this ticket? and what to expect when I appear in court to contest ticket. Thanks in advance.